The True "Deep State"
The True "Deep State"
The Medlock Post Ep. 230: Hooray for the “Red, White
and Blue”
The Founders of the American Constitution did not establish it for the purpose of granting rights. Instead, they created a government of laws, as opposed to a government of men, with the specific aim of securing each individual’s Creator-endowed rights to life, liberty, and property. Today, Judicial Tyranny is trying to remove those natural rights and destroy the US Constitution.
The Medlock Post Ep. 229: Zelensky is a Communist
Richard discusses the political situation in Ukraine, focusing on allegations of corruption and money laundering. He claims that Ukraine was used as a scheme for international money laundering, involving various US politicians and their families. Richard also provides a brief history of Ukraine's relationship with Russia, explaining that Putin invaded because Ukraine's leadership refused to be Russia's puppet. He asserts that Zelensky is a communist dictator who has suspended elections in Ukraine. And more...
Well, I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love to hear the sneezing
Feel the tissues
Wiping away the woes
You know it makes me feel fine
Well, I love a runny nose
It's such a quirky plight
I love to feel the tickle
In my nose
Taste the drops on my lips
In the dim lamp's glow
Showers wiped
All the germs away
I wake up to a clear airway
'Cause I love a runny nose
Yeah, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love to feel the sneezing
Feel the tissues
Wiping away the woes
You know it makes me feel fine
Well, I love a runny nose
It's such a quirky plight
I love to feel the tickle
In my nose
Taste the drops on my lips
In the dim lamp's glow
Showers wiped
All the germs away
I wake up to a clear airway
'Cause I love a runny nose
Yeah, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love to feel the sneezing
Feel the tissues
Wiping away the woes
You know it makes me feel fine
Well, I love a runny nose
It's such a quirky plight
I love to feel the tickle
In my nose
Taste the drops on my lips
In the dim lamp's glow
Showers wiped
All the germs away
I wake up to a clear airway
'Cause I love a runny nose
Yeah, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
Well, I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love to feel the sneezing
Feel the tissues
Wiping away the woes
You know it makes me feel fine
'Cause I love a runny nose
Yeah, I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
I love a runny nose
Sensible Truth Ep. 39: The Tale of Self the Elf
The Tale of Self the Elf
An Enchanting Adventure
In the heart of a mystical forest, where the trees
whispered secrets and the streams sang lullabies, there existed a world unlike
any other. This enchanted land was home to a myriad of magical beings, but none
were as curious and adventurous as the elves. Among them lived a particularly
unique elf named Self.
(When you read this, you will understand why DOGE is airtight, legally, to investigate all agencies! And Obama created it! This is a COUP. Coup defined: a notable or successful stroke or move. The Trump legal team using what Obama installed as a way to defeat the deep state....oh, the irony in that!) "I came across a lawyer, Tom Renz, who actually read Trump's DOGE Executive Order and, expecting some illegal power grab, found it to be airtight. Turns out Trump and Musk didn't create anything. Obama did. Obama created United States Digital Service (USDS) in 2014. It was meant as a bureaucratic patch job to fix the Obamacare website meltdown. Fast forward to 2025. Trump rebrands it DOGE (United States DOGE Service). Keeps the acronym, keeps the funding, but gives it a whole new mission: Find the Receipts Legally untouchable because it was already fully funded and operational. Trump invokes 5 USC 3161, which allows him to create temporary hiring authorities. DOGE teams get embedded inside every single federal agency. Each team consists of a lawyer, HR rep, a zoomer nerd, and an investigator. They report to DOGE, not the agency they're embedded in. But wait, there's more! Trump invokes 44 USC Chapter 35, which governs federal IT and cybersecurity oversight. Since USDS was originally an IT oversight body, DOGE now has full access to all federal data systems. Yes, that’s right. All of them. His executive order is written to block legal challenges. Includes language that overrides conflicting executive orders. Orders every agency to comply. Refusal means they violate presidential authority. Congress can't defund it because it's not a new program, just a repurposed one. DOJ can't sue for overreach because Trump used existing laws exactly as written. Democrats trying to file legal challenges run into standing issues because DOGE operates within existing frameworks. Obama literally built the perfect Administrative (read: Deep) State IT backdoor. Trump and Musk just hacked the system and took the admin controls. Musk now has legal oversight of every major agency's internal systems. The Administrative State can't stop it without rewriting multiple federal laws. They legally outplayed the system and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Obama created DOGE." Luann Johnson
The Medlock Post Ep. 228: The Silent Majority is Silent No More: A Major Cultural Shift in America
Richard, the host of the Medlock Post, discussed the ongoing cultural shift in America, focusing on the rise of the 'silent majority' and its impact on politics and social norms. He explored various aspects of this shift, including political polarization, activism, and the influence of social media, while also touching on topics such as the Constitution, government spending, and recent weather events. Throughout the discussion, Richard emphasized the importance of civic engagement and understanding the roles of different branches of government, while also criticizing certain political strategies and actions he perceived as detrimental to American society.
The Medlock Post Ep. 227: $One Trillion, Four Hundred and
Eight Billion
The Truth will always come out. And it has and the Democrats and others are in a complete and total panic.
Boy Scouts of America died today.
The Medlock Post Ep. 226: Capitalism vs Crony Capitalism vs Lobbyists
During the Senate confirmation hearings, the Democrats have shown how they are owned by lobbyist and industries. And some GOP Senators too. The Democrat's questions are like shooting a BB rifle at a metal target and the BB bounces back and hits them in the eye.
Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 states: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”
This scripture can be particularly helpful for youth in times of doubt or fear, said Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman.
“He has overcome the world, including every doubt and fear,” President Freeman said of the Savior Jesus Christ. “If we look to Him, He will help us overcome ours.”
To Young Men General President Steven J. Lund, “look unto Christ” means to look to Him in the way one might look to a compass or landmark or road sign.
“Looking means little if we choose not to follow directions. We are truly looking to Him only when we are willing to follow His commandments,” President Lund said. “It is our hope that the youth of the Church will find peace by looking to Christ to know and keep His commandments.”
Several leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have quoted or referenced Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 in their general conference messages to explain what it means to look to Christ and the blessings that come when individuals look to Him.
To help youth and youth leaders better understand the 2025 youth theme, here are seven quotes from general conference talks about looking to Christ.
1. Satan tries to block us from looking to Christ
“Too many people consider repentance as punishment — something to be avoided except in the most serious circumstances. But this feeling of being penalized is engendered by Satan. He tries to block us from looking to Jesus Christ, who stands with open arms, hoping and willing to heal, forgive, cleanse, strengthen, purify and sanctify us.”
— President Russell M. Nelson, “We Can Do Better and Be Better,” April 2019 general conference
2. Looking to Christ helps everything align
“As we seek to purify our lives and look unto Christ in every thought, everything else begins to align. Life no longer feels like a long list of separate efforts held in tenuous balance. Over time, it all becomes one work. One joy. One holy purpose. It is the work of loving and serving God. It is loving and serving God’s children.”
— Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Our Heartfelt All,” April 2022 general conference
3. Look to the Savior to ‘return to the tree’
“If you desire to return to the tree and taste the fruit once again, begin by praying to your Heavenly Father. Believe in Jesus Christ and the power of His atoning sacrifice. I promise you that as you look to the Savior ‘in every thought’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36), the fruit of the tree will be yours once again, delicious to your taste, joyous to your soul, ‘the greatest of all the gifts of God’ (1 Nephi 15:36).”
— Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Fruit,” October 2019 general conference
4. Thinking about Jesus brings clarity of mind
“Our personal connection to Jesus Christ will give us the courage and confidence to move forward amid people who do not respect our beliefs or who bully us. Christ invites us to keep Him in our thoughts constantly; He tells us, ‘Look unto me in every thought’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36). Thinking about the Savior gives us clarity of mind to make decisions, to act without fear and to say no to what is contrary to God’s teachings. When my day is difficult and I feel like I can’t take any more, thinking about Christ brings me peace and gives me hope.”
— Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, “Faithful to the End,” April 2024 general conference
5. Prayer can help dispel fear
“The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The Lord knew that at times we would feel fear. I have been there and so have you, which is why the scriptures are replete with the Lord’s counsel: ‘Be of good cheer, and do not fear’ (Doctrine and Covenants 68:6). ‘Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not’” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).
— Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Be Not Troubled,” October 2018 general conference
6. ‘Hear Him’ in every thought
“I invite all of us to ‘hear Him’ in every thought and follow Him with all our heart in order to obtain the strength and courage to say, ‘No’ and ‘Get thee hence’ to all the things that might bring unhappiness into our life. If we do so, I promise that the Lord will send an added measure of His Holy Spirit to strengthen and comfort us and we may become individuals after the Lord’s own heart.”
— Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Seek Christ in Every Thought,” October 2020 general conference
7. Look to the Savior to overcome pride
“It is easy for our pride to come between us and eternal truth. When we don’t understand, we can pause, let our feelings settle, and then choose how to respond. The Savior urged us to ‘look unto [Him] in every thought; doubt not, fear not’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36). When we focus on the Savior, our faith can start to overcome our concerns.”
— Elder David P. Homer, General Authority Seventy, “Trusting Our Father,” October 2024 general conference