
Texas Governor dares Obama on gun control

Texas Governor dares Obama on gun control

Trump Rejects Obama's Executive Gun Control: Tired of People Blaming Guns - Breitbart

Trump Rejects Obama's Executive Gun Control: Tired of People Blaming Guns - Breitbart

14 states raise minimum wage at the start of the new year - Breitbart

14 states raise minimum wage at the start of the new year - Breitbart

Urbanization Is Good for the Environment | Cato @ Liberty

Urbanization Is Good for the Environment | Cato @ Liberty

What the Japanese Did To The Chinese Who Helped The Doolittle Raid Airmen...

What the Japanese Did To The Chinese Who Helped The Doolittle Raid Airmen...

The War against Cash, Part I | Cato @ Liberty

The War against Cash, Part I | Cato @ Liberty

The Pros and Cons of Ancient War Elephants

The Pros and Cons of Ancient War Elephants

Miss. Councilman Tells Citizens To Throw Rocks At Police

Miss. Councilman Tells Citizens To Throw Rocks At Police

Misleading and Using Blacks

Misleading and Using Blacks

SO PROBLEMATIC: 13 Words and Phrases Are Hereby Banished from the Queen’s English

SO PROBLEMATIC: 13 Words and Phrases Are Hereby Banished from the Queen’s English

Morocco is Building a Giant Solar Plant That Will Bring Power To 1 Million People | Spirit Science

Morocco is Building a Giant Solar Plant That Will Bring Power To 1 Million People | Spirit Science

7 Things You May Not Know About Walt Disney - History Lists

7 Things You May Not Know About Walt Disney - History Lists

Muslims Make Disturbing Move Against NJ Schools... School Board Shuts Them Down Immediately

Muslims Make Disturbing Move Against NJ Schools... School Board Shuts Them Down Immediately

1945 Zeros Attack B-29 Formation over the Fujiama

1945 Zeros Attack B-29 Formation over the Fujiama

Poland Turns Away from Europe, Squints Across the Atlantic

Poland Turns Away from Europe, Squints Across the Atlantic

It's (Finally) Official: China Creates Cyberwarfare Military Branch

It's (Finally) Official: China Creates Cyberwarfare Military Branch

Things you didn't know about The Great Escape: McQueen himself played the German motorcyclist who hits the wire.

"The Great Escape" is one of the greatest war movies of all time...

Things you didn't know about The Great Escape: McQueen himself played the German motorcyclist who hits the wire.

Von Der Heydte, Paratrooper, Hero of Crete, Parachuted into the Bulge, Part of the Plot to Kill Hitler?

Von Der Heydte, Paratrooper, Hero of Crete, Parachuted into the Bulge, Part of the Plot to Kill Hitler?

Mercury Retrograde (Jan. 5-25): 7 Tips to Avoid Frustration & Disaster in the New Year! | elephant journal

Mercury Retrograde (Jan. 5-25): 7 Tips to Avoid Frustration & Disaster in the New Year! | elephant journal

2,986 Shooting Victims in Gun-Controlled Chicago During 2015 - Breitbart

So much for Liberal gun control...

2,986 Shooting Victims in Gun-Controlled Chicago During 2015 - Breitbart

Mark Twain Knocks New Year’s Resolutions: They're a "Harmless Annual Institution, Of No Particular Use to Anybody" | Open Culture

Mark Twain Knocks New Year’s Resolutions: They're a "Harmless Annual Institution, Of No Particular Use to Anybody" | Open Culture

Remembering Fred Thompson - POLITICO Magazine

Remembering Fred Thompson - POLITICO Magazine

Obama Signs Microbead Ban Affecting Personal Skin Care Products

ISIS beheading Christians, a cratering US economy, 94 million Americans no longer working, a national debt that has DOUBLED in seven years, a nuclear Iran...
But at least Congress and Obama are tackling the most pressing issue confronting Americans....
Obama Signs Microbead Ban Affecting Personal Skin Care Products

US Hawks Upset Over Iraqi Army's Successes Against Daesh

US Hawks Upset Over Iraqi Army's Successes Against Daesh

Obama can learn a lot from Thomas Jefferson's response to Muslims in 1801 - Young Conservatives

Obama can learn a lot from Thomas Jefferson's response to Muslims in 1801 - Young Conservatives