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Obama Administration To Issue Decree On Transgender Bathroom Access In Schools

Who does President Barack Obama think he is? The sultan of Washington? Does he think he can just make a “decree” and we will bow down and simply obey? The decree he released today says that all schools across the country have to allow students to choose the restrooms and locker rooms according to “their internal sense of gender.” If schools don’t comply, he threatens loss of funding and lawsuits from the federal government.

Obama Administration To Issue Decree On Transgender Bathroom Access In Schools

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They abandoned the conservative principles a long time ago...

The Lessons of 1912 | The Weekly Standard

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What We Do in Puerto Rico Sets a Precedent, Like It or Not | Cato Institute

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Even in Liberal Communities, Transgender Bathroom Laws Worry Parents | TIME

Even in Liberal Communities, Transgender Bathroom Laws Worry Parents | TIME

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Schools reject Obama transgender decree: ‘Straight into the paper shredder’ | EAGnews.org

Schools reject Obama transgender decree: ‘Straight into the paper shredder’ | EAGnews.org

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SC Gov. Haley: Transgender bathroom bill not needed | The State

And we won't forget...

SC Gov. Haley: Transgender bathroom bill not needed | The State

Pelosi ‘Proud’ Administration is Mandating Transgender Access to School Restrooms, Locker Rooms

Satan has taken over so many people...

Pelosi ‘Proud’ Administration is Mandating Transgender Access to School Restrooms, Locker Rooms

Texas Lt. Gov. to Schools on Transgender Restroom, Locker Room Mandate: 'Do Not Enact This Policy'

Hooray for this man...

Texas Lt. Gov. to Schools on Transgender Restroom, Locker Room Mandate: 'Do Not Enact This Policy'

Obama Forces All Schools To Create Transgender-Ready Mixed-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart

The "Ain't gonna happen crowd" has stepped up big time here.  O and his Communist sidekicks have pushed it too far now.  This will stop...

Obama Forces All Schools To Create Transgender-Ready Mixed-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart