
REPORT: Mitt Romney Goes Full Judas: Plots 3rd Party Candidate To Secure 2016 Clinton Victory - DCWhispers.com

REPORT: Mitt Romney Goes Full Judas: Plots 3rd Party Candidate To Secure 2016 Clinton Victory - DCWhispers.com

Christians Sue Phoenix For Forcing Gay Wedding Participation – PATDOLLARD

Christians Sue Phoenix For Forcing Gay Wedding Participation – PATDOLLARD

The Unprecedented Action of One Anti-Abortion Group

The Unprecedented Action of One Anti-Abortion Group

Holder Hosts 'Lawyers for Hillary' as FBI Investigation Goes On | The Weekly Standard

Because she will need many lawyers to help with her trial...

Holder Hosts 'Lawyers for Hillary' as FBI Investigation Goes On | The Weekly Standard

Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language - Breitbart

Gestapo tactics taking away peoples ability to make their own decisions.  This is Satan's plan to take away people's right to make their own choices.

Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language - Breitbart

Is Homeland Security Creating Travel Havoc To Force People Into Precheck Programs? | The Awakened Wire

Is Homeland Security Creating Travel Havoc To Force People Into Precheck Programs? | The Awakened Wire

UK Establishment Stunned As Over 300 CEOs Back Brexit: "Business, Not Government, Creates Wealth" | The Awakened Wire

UK Establishment Stunned As Over 300 CEOs Back Brexit: "Business, Not Government, Creates Wealth" | The Awakened Wire

Churchills bodyguard saved him over 20 times, carried the PMs Colt .45 with orders for Churchill not to be taken alive ...

Churchills bodyguard saved him over 20 times, carried the PMs Colt .45 with orders for Churchill not to be taken alive ...

Sons of Climategate: Dodgy Scientists Caught Red-Handed by FOIA Lawsuit - Breitbart

Sons of Climategate: Dodgy Scientists Caught Red-Handed by FOIA Lawsuit - Breitbart

There's No Such Thing as Excessive Profits | Libertarianism.org

There's No Such Thing as Excessive Profits | Libertarianism.org


This is the nightmare keeping U.S. executives awake at night - MarketWatch

This is the nightmare keeping U.S. executives awake at night - MarketWatch

This is why Chick-fil-A is so successful | Buzz60 - WYFF Home

This is why Chick-fil-A is so successful | Buzz60 - WYFF Home

Has the Left Lost Its Mind on Transgenderism? | The Weekly Standard

Has the Left Lost Its Mind on Transgenderism? | The Weekly Standard

Why Are the Highly Educated So Liberal? - The New York Times

Why Are the Highly Educated So Liberal? - The New York Times

Newt Gingrich is More Dangerous To America Than Obama and I Can Prove It! | A Time For Choosing

This article is being posted to show that the Left is scared too death of Conservatism.  Gingrich's words have been taken out of context and twisted to make him look like a Communist.  Too bad the ;eeftist media did not do some really good research on Obama.  Oh yeah they did.  And twisted it too make him look like a god.

Newt Gingrich is More Dangerous To America Than Obama and I Can Prove It! | A Time For Choosing

Obama's War on Business Knows No Mercy | Fox Business

Obama's War on Business Knows No Mercy | Fox Business

5 Stories Media Ignored While Arguing Over Which Bathroom to Use

5 Stories Media Ignored While Arguing Over Which Bathroom to Use

Maduro in crackdown under Venezuela emergency decree

Maduro in crackdown under Venezuela emergency decree

New York diocese sues to rescind insurer abortion mandate

New York diocese sues to rescind insurer abortion mandate

TSA explains the right way to legally fly with a gun | Fox News

TSA explains the right way to legally fly with a gun | Fox News