
By the numbers: The unprecedented price Democrats paid under eight years of Obama | BizPac Review

By the numbers: The unprecedented price Democrats paid under eight years of Obama | BizPac Review

The Demise of Totalitarian Liberalism - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

The Demise of Totalitarian Liberalism - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

The psychological trauma that Rod Serling suffered after WW2 inspired him to create "The Twilight Zone"

The psychological trauma that Rod Serling suffered after WW2 inspired him to create "The Twilight Zone"

Weakness, failure, cronyism, idiocy: The GOP is back in DC

Weakness, failure, cronyism, idiocy: The GOP is back in DC

All lobbyists have been cut from Trump's transition team - Business Insider

All lobbyists have been cut from Trump's transition team - Business Insider

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire - The Varangian Guard

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire - The Varangian Guard

Trump Vs. Sanctuary Cities: “TRUMP HAS THE LAW ON HIS SIDE” (VIDEO) – American Lookout

Trump Vs. Sanctuary Cities: “TRUMP HAS THE LAW ON HIS SIDE” (VIDEO) – American Lookout

Exclusive: Billionaire green activist Steyer vows to battle Trump, says money not an issue | Reuters

Exclusive: Billionaire green activist Steyer vows to battle Trump, says money not an issue | Reuters

Democrats Call for Boycott on Black-Owned Business After Chef Caters Trump Event

Democrats Call for Boycott on Black-Owned Business After Chef Caters Trump Event

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'

RPT: Students Demand Classmates Remove Trump Flags Because They Create 'Hostile Environment' | Fox News Insider

RPT: Students Demand Classmates Remove Trump Flags Because They Create 'Hostile Environment' | Fox News Insider


Today, November 15, 1777: Congress Approved Articles of Confederation – America’s First Constitution ⋆ The Constitution

Today, November 15, 1777: Congress Approved Articles of Confederation – America’s First Constitution ⋆ The Constitution

4 Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

4 Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

What War Does to Our Society | Cato @ Liberty

What War Does to Our Society | Cato @ Liberty

Slate: “Current Supreme Court Vacancy Is Not Trump’s To Fill” Because “Republicans Stole The Supreme Court” – PATDOLLARD

Slate: “Current Supreme Court Vacancy Is Not Trump’s To Fill” Because “Republicans Stole The Supreme Court” – PATDOLLARD

Stop teaching anti-Trump bias - AEI

Stop teaching anti-Trump bias - AEI

Remembering the Anti-War Movement

Remembering the Anti-War Movement

Trump adviser says military needs counterrevolution, reverse social engineering policies | US Defense Watch

Trump adviser says military needs counterrevolution, reverse social engineering policies | US Defense Watch

Fabricated Myths about War | Cato @ Liberty

Fabricated Myths about War | Cato @ Liberty

France, UN tell Trump action on climate change unstoppable | Reuters

France, UN tell Trump action on climate change unstoppable | Reuters

Americans Can Unify Around Economic Growth | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Americans Can Unify Around Economic Growth | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Lawsuit Challenges Federal Regulation Forcing Doctors to Provide Gender Transition Treatment for Children

Lawsuit Challenges Federal Regulation Forcing Doctors to Provide Gender Transition Treatment for Children

Trump and Federal Workers | Cato @ Liberty

Trump and Federal Workers | Cato @ Liberty

He’s back! Donald Trump to reinstall Churchill statue that Obama booted out of the White House | BizPac Review

He’s back! Donald Trump to reinstall Churchill statue that Obama booted out of the White House | BizPac Review

The Hill: Breitbart News Planning Lawsuit Against 'Major Media Company'

The Hill: Breitbart News Planning Lawsuit Against 'Major Media Company'