
The Meaning of The Pledge of Allegiance


October 3, 2021

"There is a lot of debate regarding the recitation of Pledge of Allegiance. Many Americans don’t say the Pledge and feel that it’s unnecessary even to stand up when the national anthem is being played. They defend themselves by saying that by not reciting the Pledge, they are not being anti-patriotic. According to them, standing or not standing; reciting or not reciting does not make them more or less of an American citizen.
On the other hand, some people find the words ‘under God’ objectionable. Atheists and non- Christian Americans state that they cannot recite ‘under God’, because it happens to be against their beliefs. Then, there are those people who believe that not saying the Pledge is a sign of disrespect to the country.
So sadly, we see people with different schools of thought debating and battling over the Pledge and forgetting the larger objective of standing together in unity as a nation. The controversies will go on, however, each American has the freedom to choose to recite the pledge or not. So it is up to each individual! is SO Important
The Pledge of Allegiance, written in 1892 is an oath or symbol of loyalty of the Americans towards their flag and country. This article dwells on why is the Pledge of Allegiance important to the Americans...
Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, is a promise or oath of loyalty to the Republic of United States of America. The Pledge was originally written in August, 1892 by an American Baptist minister and social activist, Francis Bellamy.
Pledge of Allegiance was first published in 1892, in the September 8th edition of a Boston-based children magazine called ‘Youth’s Companion’. On October 12, 1892, it was first used during Columbus Day celebrations. The proclamation made by President Benjamin Harrison and over 12 million children recited the Pledge of Allegiance that day, thereby beginning a school day ritual. Since then, the Pledge is recited daily, by school children of all religious backgrounds across America.
The short, 15 second Pledge has an interesting history and since September 1892, the original Pledge has been altered several times, with the last addition being made in 1954 (addition of ‘under God’).
In accordance to the United States Flag Code, the pledge is to be recited by standing at attention; facing the flag and placing the right hand over the heart. People in uniform must face the flag, remain silent and take the military salute. Those not in uniform must remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and place it on their left shoulder, in such a way that their right hand is over the heart.
Meaning of Pledge of Allegiance
Today, the words of the Pledge of Allegiance reads: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
➢ I pledge allegiance – I promise to be true
➢ of the United States of America – each state that has joined to make our country
➢ and to the Republic – a republic is a country where the people choose their representatives, to make laws for them, that is the government is for the people
➢ for which it stands – the flag, meaning the country
➢one nation – a single nation
➢ under God – the people believe in a supreme being
➢ indivisible – the country cannot be split into parts
➢ for which it stands – the flag, meaning the country
➢one nation – a single nation
➢ under God – the people believe in a supreme being
➢ indivisible – the country cannot be split into parts
➢ with liberty and justice – with freedom and fairness
➢ for all – for each person in the country, you and me!
By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, every American promises to be true to the United States of America. The freedom available will not be taken for granted and each American will remember the countless men, women and children who have given their lives through the centuries, so that they can live peacefully today.
Importance of Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance is recited by school children of all religious backgrounds, across America on a daily basis. Daily recitation is done in order to honor the nation one is a part of every morning. However, the recitation is not compulsory, which means no punitive action will be taken against children who do not recite the pledge.
It is expected that those who abstain from reciting the pledge should be seated quietly, while the pledge is being said, thereby allowing the others to recite the Pledge. Besides schools, the pledge of allegiance is also recited during the opening of Congressional sessions and also in most local level Government meetings.
Unfortunately, most of those reciting the Pledge today are saying it blinding as a ritual, where children and adults alike, recite the words without actually understanding the meaning. Reciting the Pledge is not a compulsion, but a mark of patriotism to the country. It is an action that symbolizes one’s loyalty to the United States of America and the feeling that as an American, one is proud to be a part of this blessed country.
The Pledge is a proclamation stating that all Americans are unified, standing together as one nation and working together for the benefit of the country as a whole. The reason the pledge of allegiance is asked to be recited on a daily basis in schools, is because when a child recites the pledge everyday, he or she may be directed into thinking more deeply about its meaning and significance.
The Pledge of Allegiance is considered to be a platform where kids are given the opportunity to think about their roles as citizens in the country. Reciting the pledge stirs up curiosity regarding their country, thereby inculcating a feeling of patriotism in the long run. Of course, patriotism cannot be forced upon, which is why the recitation is not compulsory.
Teachers should explain the meaning of the pledge to the children in simple language, so that they understand what they are actually reciting every morning. It is important to prevent it from becoming another part of the humdrum of life.
There is a lot of debate regarding the recitation of Pledge of Allegiance. Many Americans don’t say the Pledge and feel that it’s unnecessary even to stand up when the national anthem is being played. They defend themselves by saying that by not reciting the Pledge, they are not being anti-patriotic. According to them, standing or not standing; reciting or not reciting does not make them more or less of an American citizen.
On the other hand, some people find the words ‘under God’ objectionable. Atheists and non- Christian Americans state that they cannot recite ‘under God’, because it happens to be against their beliefs. Then, there are those people who believe that not saying the Pledge is a sign of disrespect to the country.
So sadly, we see people with different schools of thought debating and battling over the Pledge and forgetting the larger objective of standing together in unity as a nation. The controversies will go on, however, each American has the freedom to choose to recite the pledge or not. So it is up to each individual!

from The Founding of the United States


The Meaning and The Why of the Preamble to the U. S Constitution

September 13, 2021

The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution
"The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution—the document’s famous first fifty-two words— introduces everything that is to follow in the Constitution’s seven articles and twenty-seven amendments. It proclaims who is adopting this Constitution: “We the People of the United States.” It describes why it is being adopted—the purposes behind the enactment of America’s charter of government. And it describes what is being adopted: “this Constitution”—a single authoritative written text to serve as fundamental law of the land. Written constitutionalism was a distinctively American innovation, and one that the framing generation considered the new nation’s greatest contribution to the science of government.
The word “preamble,” while accurate, does not quite capture the full importance of this provision. “Preamble” might be taken—we think wrongly—to imply that these words are merely an opening rhetorical flourish or frill without meaningful effect. To be sure, “preamble” usefully conveys the idea that this provision does not itself confer or delineate powers of government or rights of citizens. Those are set forth in the substantive articles and amendments that follow in the main body of the Constitution’s text. It was well understood at the time of enactment that preambles in legal documents were not themselves substantive provisions and thus should not be read to contradict, expand, or contract the document’s substantive terms.
But that does not mean the Constitution’s Preamble lacks its own legal force. Quite the contrary, it is the provision of the document that declares the enactment of the provisions that follow. Indeed, the Preamble has sometimes been termed the “Enacting Clause” of the Constitution, in that it declares the fact of adoption of the Constitution (once sufficient states had ratified it): “We the People of the United States . . . do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Importantly, the Preamble declares who is enacting this Constitution—the people of “the United States.” The document is the collective enactment of all U.S. citizens. The Constitution is “owned” (so to speak) by the people, not by the government or any branch thereof. We the People are the stewards of the U.S. Constitution and remain ultimately responsible for its continued existence and its faithful interpretation.
It is sometimes observed that the language “We the People of the United States” was inserted at the Constitutional Convention by the “Committee of Style,” which chose those words—rather than “We the People of the States of . . .”, followed by a listing of the thirteen states, for a simple practical reason: it was unclear how many states would actually ratify the proposed new constitution. (Article VII declared that the Constitution would come into effect once nine of thirteen states had ratified it; and as it happened two states, North Carolina and Rhode Island, did not ratify until after George Washington had been inaugurated as the first President under the Constitution.) The Committee of Style thus could not safely choose to list all of the states in the Preamble. So they settled on the language of both “We the People of the United States.”
Nonetheless, the language was consciously chosen. Regardless of its origins in practical considerations or as a matter of “style,” the language actually chosen has important substantive consequences. “We the People of the United States” strongly supports the idea that the Constitution is one for a unified nation, rather than a treaty of separate sovereign states. (This, of course, had been the arrangement under the Articles of Confederation, the document the Constitution was designed to replace.) The idea of nationhood is then confirmed by the first reason recited in the Preamble for adopting the new Constitution—“to form a more perfect Union.” On the eve of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln invoked these words in support of the permanence of the Union under the Constitution and the unlawfulness of states attempting to secede from that union.
The other purposes for adopting the Constitution, recited by the Preamble— to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”—embody the aspirations that We the People have for our Constitution, and that were expected to flow from the substantive provisions that follow. The stated goal is to create a government that will meet the needs of the people.
As noted, the Preamble’s statements of purpose do not themselves grant powers or confer rights; the substantive provisions in the main body of the Constitution do that. There is not, for example, a general government power to do whatever it judges will “promote the general Welfare.” The national government’s powers are specified in Article I and other provisions of the Constitution, not the Preamble. Congress has never relied on the Preamble alone as the basis for a claimed power to enact a law, and the Supreme Court has never relied on the Preamble as the sole basis for any constitutional decision. Still, the declared purposes for the Constitution can assist in understanding, interpreting, and applying the specific powers listed in the articles, for the simple reason that the Constitution should be interpreted in a manner that is faithful to its purposes.
Finally, the Preamble declares that what the people have ordained and established is “this Constitution”—referring, obviously enough, to the written document that the Preamble introduces. That language is repeated in the Supremacy Clause of Article VI, which declares that “this Constitution” shall be the supreme law for the entire nation. The written nature of the Constitution as a single binding text matters and was important to the framing generation. The U.S. Constitution contrasts with the arrangement of nations like Great Britain, whose “constitution” is a looser collection of written and unwritten traditions constituting the established practice over time. America has a written constitution, not an unwritten one. The boundaries of what may be said and done in the name of the Constitution are marked by the words, phrases, and structure of the document itself. To be sure, there are disputes over what those words mean and how they are to be applied. But the enterprise of written constitutionalism is, at its core, the faithful interpretation and application of a written document adopted by the people as supreme law: “this Constitution for the United States of America.”

from: The Founding of the United States





September 10, 2021

The picture posted with this article was created by me on August 9, 2021 and posted on social media.  The two pictures inserted are of World War II internment camps in the United States for Japanese American citizens.  The talk at that time by the government and media was about the bad and unworthy unvaccinated who are killing innocent people.  It was obvious where they were going with this non-sense. Thereby the creation of the above picture.

The next day, August 10, 2021, an article appeared that discussed the very subject by the CDC of camps for the high-risk people.  Read the study for yourself at this link.  Notice the date on the CDC study.  It is July 26, 2020.  Surprised anyone?

Two other recent articles concerning the same subject.

Article 1

Article 2

Then yesterday, September 9, 2021, the same day as Joe Biden’s orders to Americans, the CDC releases the true numbers of children dying of COVID.  Spoiler alert – it’s a total of eight out of 73 million children. COVID is about control, not care.  Read report

The American people are being lied to and misled in so many ways so the Democratic Socialists can take over complete control America, once and for all.

by Richard Medlock



September 10, 2021

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

With the government edict yesterday, we are Witnessing the Epitome of Socialism in America.  Yet another attempt by the Democratic Socialists to undermine the United States Constitution and dilute the American Society of Freedom and Liberty. 

Yesterday September 9, 2021, Joe Biden issued an “order or mandate” to American citizens and corporations.  That “order or mandate” was a bold statement that the current government controlling the United States of America, knows more about what to do for its subjects (citizens) than the subjects (citizens) know what to do for themselves.  Or in other words, bow to your government’s demands or you will pay a price.  Are we also watching an effort to enslave Americans? 

The new Vaccine edict will be enforced by OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  The Democratic Socialist’s attempt to make a law where no law exists.  Expanding an agency’s power where that power does not exist.

Joe Biden said he would use the Power of the President to stop Governors, "To get them out of the way".  What presidential power gives him the right to remove or stop a Governor from doing their job under the State's constitution or the United States Constitution?  And he further said "If you break the rules, be prepared to pay." "It's no longer about freedom or personal choice."  This is pure Totalitarianism.

 White House Chief of Staff Matthew Hamilton Tweeted this.  “Courts consider the intent and purpose of policies and Klain just endorsed the notion that OSHA rule is a "work-around" to enact flagrantly illegal federal vaccine mandates.”  In a second tweet Hamilton wrote, “If you've heard of literacy tests, the grandfather clause, and poll taxes then you understand why work-arounds are problematic.”

Then Stephanie Ruhle wrote, “OSHA doing this vax mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal government to require vaccinations.” 

What are some of the words used in this edict?  The “rules would force private-sector employers…”  The words force and mandate are words used by Communist’s dictators.  Not words from leaders in a free country.  By forcing fines on employers of $14,000.00 per incident is criminal.  Remember that part of Obamacare that required individual and corporations to buy health insurance or pay fines (tax)?  This is along the same lines.  The government taking away your freedom to choose for yourselves.  This is wrong and unconstitutional.  We citizens know that it is wrong and so does the Democratic Socialists.  But they are hoping to get away with it. 

Final thought:

If Americans do not comply, will the government resort to declaring Marshall Law?

by Richard Medlock



September 6, 2021

Our Country has set aside the first Monday in September as Labor Day.  This year it falls on Sept. 6, 2021.  We take this time to Celebrate the long history of Workers in America.

Adam Smith wrote, "Labour was the first price, the original purchase - money that was paid for all things.  It was not by gold nor silver, but by labour, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased."

Labor Day is set aside for us to recognize, honor, and celebrate the farmers, ranchers, builders, explorers, adventurers, scientist, doctors, nurses, researchers, architects, and many more who left their Comfort Zones to better the lives of all Mankind.

Our Founding Fathers fully understood the God Given Rights of Freedom, Liberty and Property.  Their Vision was to create a Government that supported and protected those God Given Rights.  In their success, an Environment was created in America that unleashed the Spirit of Man to fully exercise those Rights.  The Spirit of Man then went forth with a Desire and Fortitude to reach for their Dreams, Personal Visions, and Beyond.  And with this came a Desire to be Inspired by Faith in their Creator.

Because of the New Environment or The Great Experiment of America, in its first 50 years of existence, America became the Wealthiest and most Productive country on the face of the earth.  America became the Beacon to the World.  Why?  Because Our Founding Fathers successfully unleashed the Spirit of Man.  Americans moved with a force never seen before in the history of mankind.  Comfort Zones were Stretched and Expanded.  Dreams and Visions became a Reality.  The Creative Mind was encouraged.  The American Worker took Pride in their Labors.  And to Perform Labor became a Badge of Honor.

This is the reason why we take the time to Pay Tribute to the Great American Working Tradition on Labor Day.

May we all Pray to our God in Heaven that this Spirit of Man, the Spirit of America, will continue to go forth and reach higher and higher.

May God continue to Bless the United States of America!

by Richard Medlock




September 4, 2021

“My country, ‘tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing;

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From ev’ry mountainside

Let freedom ring!”

These are the words of the first verse of “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”.  Many Americans have sung this hymn with a teary eye and a lump in their throats.

Samuel Francis Smith, a Baptist seminary student, wrote the hymn.  He was influenced by an English Lutheran hymn “God Bless Our Native Land”.  The music was based on “God Save The King”.  The hymn was first performed by a children’s choir in Boston, Massachusetts in 1831.

The point is this.  When singing or hearing this hymn today, most Americans are touched, and their Patriotism is lifted in their hearts and minds.  America has been and continues to be the Greatest Nation on Earth.  And more Americans know and believe that fact versus those who don’t.

Why do you think the news, pundits, politicians, and agree mobs verbally and physically attack Patriotic Americans?  Because they know there are more Patriotic Americans than not.  The angry anti-Americans are the minority.

For example:

In Florida the other day, a restaurant owner put a sign up that said if you support the current corrupt administration in government, take your business elsewhere.  The response to this announcement was overwhelming.  Donations came in and business was so big he ran out of food the first day.

In Orange County, California where a teacher tells her students to pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ flag instead of the American Flag, she was fired.  But the students took it to a higher level with a special message to the school and to America.  At Back Bay High School, they covered the school with American Flags.

At another school, a teacher had the Antifa flags in his room and taught anti-American doctrine.  Students complained to their parents.  The parents addressed the matter with the principle.  The teacher was dismissed.  But the parents still went to the local school board and reminded them of their duty to protect the children from anti-American indoctrination.

These are just a few of the many, many times that Patriotic Americans are Standing Up and Speaking Up for American Values and Principles.

Patriotic Americans are the Majority.  That should give us strength to move forward to preserve our Great Land of Freedom.  We The People are America.  May it continue that way forevermore.

Verse 4.

Our fathers’ God, to thee,

Author of liberty,

To thee we sing;

Long may our land be bright

With freedom’s holy light.

Protect us by thy might,

Great God, our King!


By Richard Medlock

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September 3, 2021

Joe Biden Surrenders America to Muslim Jihad Terrorists

The Obama/Clinton Arab Spring strategy to have the Middle East taken over and run by the Muslim Brotherhood was discussed in Afghanistan Part II.  That strategy was a failure for the most part.  The one thing it did accomplish was to embolden the Muslim Jihad Terrorist to reign havoc throughout the world, until Donald J. Trump became President of the United States of America with the “America First” agenda that was a very big success in America and with other Countries.

Then enters Joe Biden to the White House with the full support of Obama, George Soros, the Democratic Socialists, The Deep State, the Never-Trump RINOs from the Republican Party, and others who believed the United States should be brought to her knees and destroyed.  And everything changed, for the worse for Americans and her Allies.

Joe Biden and the list of anti-America supporters and followers had been planning for many years how to take America down and control the country in a Totalitarian State.  But certain things had to be in place for that to happen.  The plan was succeeding in many ways.  But one thing was missing.  

These next explanations answer the “What is Missing?” question. 

The wrong question is being asked about the total, absolute failure of the United States Military withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Everyone is asking ‘How could this happen?”.  But the right question to ask is “Why did a seemingly straightforward military exercise of withdrawal turn into such a chaotic international disaster?” 

To fully understand what is about to be presented comes from decisions and planning from so called leaders who want America not to be America anymore.  Steps had to be laid out as to ensure that the goals to hurt America would happen.

One thing that needed to happen is for China and Russia to benefit.  The oil pipeline benefit for Russia and the pipeline in Europe was a beginning.  Then China was missing a country to build a railroad from China to Iran.  Afghanistan was that country.  And they have it now thanks to Joe Biden.

One of the pictures at the top of the article is the route of the railroad.  Let’s name it the Taliban Railroad.  The Taliban Railroad will now provide a direct link between China and Iran with Russia having access as well.  Other countries the Taliban Railroad will run through is Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.  Five Muslim Jihad countries are now linked.  Do not forget that Turkey will be part of the railway too.

Thus, is created a Five-Nation Nation Railway Connecting China to Iran to Turkey.  The recent capture of Mazar-i-Sharif puts the whole Afghan segment under Taliban control with support from China, Russia, Iran and now Biden’s administration willing to support the Taliban.  Even though the Taliban has been gifted a full army’s worth of armaments and planes from Biden.  Under the guise of economic and humanitarian support, the Biden comrades want to send $9 billion to Afghanistan.  Right?

With control of Kabul and almost all of Afghanistan, a whole country slightly bigger than Texas, the Taliban and the Muslim Jihad Terrorists are free to do as they please.  Even Turkey has resumed bombing in Syria because nobody is there to stop them.  Ripple effects that will be heard around the world.  In a report out of Israel, the Taliban and Muslim Jihadists have free access to take over the Middle East and even beyond.

And the bigger WHY?

Let us get back to America and the bigger picture for the Democratic Socialists and the Globalists.  

What one big event could destroy credibility in America, weaken the United States Military, in one step turn America’s back on her allies, and damage America in the eyes of the world and many Americans?  The answer is Afghanistan.  The answer is a complete and total surrender to the Taliban and the Muslim Jihad Terrorists in Afghanistan.  In one event, Joe Biden and his handlers have managed to do to America what could not be done before.  Bring America closer to her knees.  Even opening the Southern Border has not had this kind of effect.

This is not America.  We The People know this is not America.  The American Individual and Family is the Strength of America.  Not the Government.  We The People will not allow the government to rule by an iron fist.  Not In America.  Not now, not ever.

Take counsel and heed from two of our Founding Fathers to focus on the work and ideals we need to do to rid America of a Totalitarian Government.  And to protect the Values and Principles of the United States Constitution.

"I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."  Thomas Jefferson

“These are the times that try men's souls.

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.

We have it in our power to begin the world over again.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense.”

Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Let this be the cry of We The People to rekindle that Flame of American Patriotism in our Hearts, Minds and Souls.  Let our voices be heard like the Roaring of Lions.  Raise our voices in Mighty Prayer to Almighty God to Preserve and Protect America and strengthen our Resolve to Preserve our Sacred Constitution.  Pray that the Light from above will guide our Work to protect Our God given Rights of Freedom and Liberty.  Block from our Minds the Negative and Hateful Influences that Divide the Great People of America.  Raise again the Banner of Freedom and Liberty, The American Flag, with Honor, Hope, and Dignity.  Let not our Hearts be Troubled with the Evil that surrounds us.  

ARISE AMERICA, ARISE! Like the Phoenix from the ashes.  WE THE PEOPLE ARE AMERICANS.  The world needs to see that American Human Spirit unleased which made this Country the Greatest on Earth.  LET FREEDOM RING!

by Richard Medlock



August 30, 2021

Plans to Weaken America on the World Stage

When Donald J. Trump took his place in history to sit the White House, he began implementing policies that put “America First”.  Those policies worked.  The economy began to grow at a rate not seen in many years.  The United States Military was strengthened.  Americans went back to work in record numbers.  Blacks, women, and Hispanic unemployment rates dropped to the lowest rates in history.

However, the Deep State, the Globalists, the Administrative State, and the Republican Establishment (NeverTrump RINOs) did all they could to stop the positive, “America First” policies of Donald J. Trump.  The anti-American forces of those mentioned above finally decided that the only way to get rid of “America First” Trump was to steal an election.  And they did on November 3, 2020.  And when they did that, America’s enemies knew they had the upper hand in the future.  That has now been proven to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Joe Biden steps into the White House on January 20, 2020, to the delight of the Progressives and the Democratic Socialists.  And let’s not forget the Globalists who desire that America be destroyed.  They had lost four years of the “Fundamentally Transform America” agenda with Donald J. Trump in the White House.  The plan now was to escalate the agenda and destroy America as fast as they can.  The COVID pandemic was a good start.  But more was needed.

On Joe Biden’s first day in office, he signed, what was the number, 72 Executive Orders.  All the Executive Orders were to undo all that Trump had accomplished to “Make America Great Again”.  Turn America’s back on Israel.  Stop oil production that had made America oil independent.  Removed sanctions against Iran in hopes to becoming partners with them.  Insulting our allies.  Stop building the Southern border walls and allow COVID infected illegal immigrants to pour into America unrestrained. And so on and so on until we reached August, 2021.

Now it’s time to exit Afghanistan.  This is probably what went on in the planning meeting. 

“Comrades, what is the worst possible course of actions we can take that would make our military exit a total disaster for us and some of our allies?  And that would make the President and Vice-President look like total imbeciles?  And what else can we do to make it look like the Taliban Terrorist Organization is a legitimate government?  Then hope that a civil war breaks out in Afghanistan that might spread to other Middle Eastern countries.  And last, but not least, allow China, Russia and Iran to gain more power and control in the Middle East.”

This is exactly what happened in Afghanistan because Democratic Socialists are running America.

We have discussed the HOW of what happened in Afghanistan.  Part IV will address the question, WHY did this happen?



Impeach Joe Biden? Why?

August 28, 2021

The cry to Impeach Joe Biden is growing louder and louder.  The total disastrous strategy in Afghanistan is the driving force behind these calls.  How many Democrats are calling for Biden's Impeachment?  A couple maybe.  Nancy Pelosi shut down the House of Representatives so she would not have to deal with the Articles of Impeach submitted by a few Republicans.

But the question is Why?  Why Impeach an empty suit? Then who do we get as President?  Kamala Harris?  Harris, who has been completely AWOL since the Afghanistan mess started.  Who would be the next vice-president?  Barack Obama?

If Joe Biden is Impeached, what problems would be solved?  Absolutely not one single problem coming out of Washington, D.C.

We need to look at the fact that Joe Biden has never been and never will be the man running the United States Government.  He is a puppet of a far bigger plan to bring America to her knees.  To weaken her beyond repair.  The Deep State and the Administrative State are the ones running the American Government right now.  Do we Impeach all of them?  If so, how do we do that?  

That's a question we all need to look at right now and decide a course of action to bring the United States back to the "America First" Status.

by Richard Medlock





August 28, 2021

A Little History Lesson

On September 11, 2001, Muslim Terrorists hijacked four passenger jets and delivered a terrorist attack on the Unites States of America.  This attack cost the lives of over 3,000 American citizens and first responders.

Intelligence revealed the Muslim Terrorists were based in Afghanistan under the direction of one, Osama Bin Laden.  President George W. Bush declared war on Bin Laden and the other terrorist.  The War on Terrorism began and still rages on today.  Later President Bush invaded Iraq under information they possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In 2008, Barrack Hussein Obama was elected to sit in the White House.  Obama declared he would “Fundamentally Change America”.  This phrase’ meaning was totally different than what Obama wanted Americans to believe.  The goal was to destroy America’s way of life and government as we had known since the enlightened beginning of this Great Country.  He abhorred the United States Constitution and set out to reduce its affect on Democrat lawmakers.  And he was succeeding, and the Progressive agenda was advancing.

Obama was the “Great Appeaser” when it came to foreign policy and enemies.  His “American Apology Tour” showed how much he despised America and Christians.  His Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton.  What was her role?  Hillary was to do his appeasing around the world.

One goal that Obama had was to help the Muslim Brotherhood expand their power base in the Middle East and Northern Africa.  With Obama, Hillary, and the Muslim Brotherhood, they conceived the “Arab Spring”.  The “Arab Spring” was to help the Muslim Brotherhood fulfill its destiny.  With the help of ISIS and the Taliban, war broke out in the Middle East.  Libya was destroyed and Qaddafi was murdered.  Syria was thrown into to disarray with different factions and tribes fighting each other. 

The Muslim Brotherhood overthrew the Egyptian government and began a reign of terror.  Eventually to be removed by the Egyptian military.  Negotiations were begun with Iran to bring peace.  However, Iran dictated the main points so they could continue to develop nuclear weapons.  Iraq was trying to organize a new government.  But separate factions within the country were not agreeing.

The point is, the Middle East was in turmoil with Iran gaining power and supporting terrorists.  Israel was under attack by Hamas and Palestinian terrorists.  Afghanistan still at war with the United States and other nations.  ISIS and the Taliban were raging and destroying countries histories and people.

In 2016, Donald J. Trump is elected President of the United States of America with a promise to clean this mess up.  And he did.  The Left and Progressives were completely devasted that their precious Hillary Clinton, the Princess Heir to the Throne of Obama, had lost the election.  The Master plan to “Fundamentally Change America” had been derailed. But, as we will see later, not stopped.

Total panic sat in on the Left, the Progressives, and the Globalist.  They had to get rid of Donald J. Trump no matter what.  All stops were pulled out in an attempt achieve this goal.  The Russian Hoax, DOJ Special Counsel investigation, and two Impeachments, failed to stop Donald J. Trump and the work to “Make America Great Again”.

What does all this have to do with the current day Afghanistan Crisis?  That will be explained in Part III.

By Richard Medlock



August 27, 2021

This is the first in a series of articles concerning the decisions to withdrawal the United States Military from Afghanistan. 

The World is witnessing for the first time in history, the complete and absolute Surrender by America.

America, or should we be referring to those that are really in charge of the American Government right now.  Those individuals or groups that seem to be extremely smart, are showing how they’re either really stupid or are very brilliant in the strategy being used in Afghanistan.

On the surface, it appears that one blunder after another has taken place with the Afghanistan strategy.  First, to withdrawal the military first, not Embassy staff, American citizens, and Afghans that supported the work in their country, is as insane as you can get.  Second, to abandon completely intact, Bagram Air Force Base with equipment, armaments, and technology for the taking by the Taliban Terrorists.  Third, to leave behind billions of dollars of military weapons, planes, helicopters, drones, and the technology is inconceivable to anyone’s way of thinking.  Fourth, to put your absolute trust in a world-wide terrorist organization who promises to escort American citizens safely to the Kabul Airport is beyond comprehension to any sane mind.  Fifth, to hand over a list of the names of Americans and American partners to the terrorist’s organization is outright criminal and TreasonousSixth, to turn our backs on the many Allies that depend on America for support, and we depend on their support.

But is this really a blunder or a well-crafted and executed strategy to further the decline of America?  Please don’t fall for this “totally incompetent” act you are watching on television.  This is a very well-planned created crisis to bring America down and weaken America to a point that only a “One World Government” can save her.

This is the first in a series of articles on the Afghanistan debacle.  Stay tuned for more to think about.

by Richard Medlock


On Living In An COVID Age


The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 to bring an end to World War II (WWII).  Thus began the “Atomic Age”.  Shortly thereafter, the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) developed atomic bombs.  And so began the “Cold War” that would go until 1989 when the USSR’s Communist Regime collapsed.

As the threat of an “Atomic War” loomed throughout the world, actions were taken to prepare for such an outcome.  The United States and the USSR (Russia) began a game of “political tit-for-tat”.  As the Cold War grew, an event occurred that escalated the tensions between the two countries.  It was the “Cuban Missile Crisis” in 1960.  With strong leadership provided by President John F. Kennedy, the United States stared down Russia and prevented a “Nuclear War”.

In 1948, a great literary author, C.S. Lewis wrote some great advice on how to live with the threat of “Nuclear War”.

On Living In An Atomic Age

“How are we to live in an atomic age?”  I am tempted to reply: Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, and age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.’

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation.  Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented; and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together.  If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes finds us doing sensible and human things---praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint or a game of darts---not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs,  They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”

In other words, don’t live your life in fear of what might be; live your life for what is, while preparing for a bright future.

During the Cold War, the Unites States did not cower to fear of destruction by an enemy.  The American citizens built homes, built schools, educated themselves, developed businesses, built factories, built a new road system to cover the whole country, etc.  What Americans did was to unleash the wings of the human spirit again like our Founding Fathers did after the Revolutionary War.  Americans prepared for the future with a bright hope of great things to come.

Today, we are faced with a COVID pandemic that has brought fear to many people in many countries.  Let’s not downplay the COVID.  It is real. But the biggest fear that has gripped people of the United States is the fear of federal and state governments.  This is wrong!

WE THE PEOPLE should not and cannot fear the government.  Winston Churchill said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."  When we let Fear replace Common Sense and Patriotism, we can start to lose hope.  And we can’t let that happen. The Citizens of the United States of America are the governments boss.  This is a Republic of the People and by the People.  And by the People, Patriotic Americans who sustain, support, and defend the U.S. Constitution, this tyranny that we call Washington, D.C. needs to stop.

by Richard Medlock


Joe Biden is a COWARD!


Let's be very truthful about this.  Joe Biden is a big COWARD!

Joe Biden has done everything in Afghanistan to please the Chinese, the Russians, the Taliban, and Iran.  And let's not forget the Globalists like George Soros.  And probably a few Democrats.

Joe Biden has created every scenario that the Globalists love.  Chaos. Fear. Division. Hatred. And War.

Joe Biden hates America so much that he is willing to leave thousands of Americans in Afghanistan to be tortured, ransomed or murdered.

Joe Biden takes political "Appeasement" to a new, higher level never seen before.

Joe Biden is afraid of those that are actually controlling and running the government.

Joe Biden was chosen to be the Democrat's Presidential candidate because he is a COWARD.  They knew he had no agenda of his own and would not push back on theirs.  Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders have strong personal agendas and would not have fully cooperated with the Secret Combination in charge of destroying America. 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both fit into the same category: COWARD!  The Globalist love them for that one outstanding characteristic.

Joe Biden is fulfilling the role he was asked to do.  Be the "Greatest American Coward!"


by Richard Medlock


WE HAVE A PROBLEM by Alyssa Ahlgren


WE HAVE A PROBLEM: This is a well written and thought out article written by a 26 year old college student by the name of Alyssa Ahlgren, who's in grad school for her MBA. What a GREAT perspective...
My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us!

I'm sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis (Florida) trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of presidential candidates calling for policies to "fix" the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around.
I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook's, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation, and we've become completely blind to it.
Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don't give them a second thought.
We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty-One Times!!!
Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful. ??
Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, "An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity."
Never saw American prosperity! Let that sink in.
When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I've ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided.
My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let's just say I didn't have the popular opinion, but I digress.
Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country.
People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they've never seen prosperity, and as a result, we elect some politicians who are dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism.
Why? The answer is this,?? my generation has only seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn't live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, the Korean War, The Vietnam War or we didn't see the rise and fall of socialism and communism.
We don't know what it's like to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don't have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it's spreading like a plague." #pleaseshare



As the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorists attacks near, it is only appropriate to share this article written by a non-American in appreciation of the Greatest Nation in the World.

We rarely get a chance to see another country's editorial about the USA

Read this excerpt from a Romanian Newspaper. The article was written by Mr. Cornel Nistorescu and published under the title 'C'ntarea Americii, meaning 'Ode To America ') in the Romanian newspaper Evenimentulzilei 'The Daily Event' or 'News of the Day'.

~An Ode to America ~

Why are Americans so united? They would not resemble one another even if you painted them all one color! They speak all the languages of the world and form an astonishing mixture of civilizations and religious beliefs.

On 9/ll, the American tragedy turned three hundred million people into a hand put on the heart. Nobody rushed to accuse the White House, the Army, or the Secret Service that they are only a bunch of losers. Nobody rushed to empty their bank accounts. Nobody rushed out onto the streets nearby to gape about.

Instead, the Americans volunteered to donate blood and to give a helping hand.

After the first moments of panic, they raised their flag over the smoking ruins, putting on T-shirts, caps and ties in the colors of the national flag. They placed flags on buildings and cars as if in every place and on every car a government official or the president was passing. On every occasion, they started singing: 'God Bless America!'

I watched the live broadcast and rerun after rerun for hours listening to the story of the guy who went down one hundred floors with a woman in a wheelchair without knowing who she was, or of the Californian hockey player, who gave his life fighting with the terrorists and prevented the plane from hitting a target that could have killed other hundreds or thousands of people.

How on earth were they able to respond united as one human being? Imperceptibly, with every word and musical note, the memory of some turned into a modern myth of tragic heroes. And with every phone call, millions and millions of dollars were put into collection aimed at rewarding not a man or a family, but a spirit, which no money can buy. What on earth unites the Americans in such a way? Their land? Their history? Their economic Power? Money? I tried for hours to find an answer, humming songs and murmuring phrases with the risk of sounding commonplace, I thought things over, I reached but only one conclusion... Only freedom can work such miracles.

Cornel Nistorescu

Vaccinated with Abbott and Costello


Shamelessly stolen:
Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.’