The Medlock Post Ep. 45: Serving in the Community
Brigham Young:
“Will education feed and clothe you, keep you warm on a cold day, or enable you to build a house? Not at all. Should we cry down education on this account? No. What is it for? The improvement of the mind; to instruct us in all arts and sciences, in the history of the world, in the laws of nations; to enable us to understand the laws and principles of life, and how to be useful while we live.”
The World is witnessing for the first time in history, the complete and absolute Surrender by America.
America, or should we be referring to those that are really in charge of the American Government right now. Those individuals or groups that seem to be extremely smart, are showing how they’re either really stupid or are very brilliant in the strategy being used in Afghanistan and America.
Tom Herron of Up With America will discuss Smart Solutions for America's problems. There are three areas Up With America places its focus. 1. Society/Culture 2. Government 3. Economy.
These discussions will be unbelievably valuable for you to help others understand the work that needs to be done right now in America to regain Her Strength as a Great Nation.
The Medlock Post Ep.26: The 19th Principle of the Constitution