March 8, 2023
The Medlock Post Ep. 120: Has the Education System Failed America?
March 8, 2023
The Medlock Post Ep. 119: Lady Up America with Diane Canada
The Medlock Post Ep. 119: Lady Up America with Diane Canada
You can become a MASTERFUL INFLUENCER with the people you naturally encounter in your life and win them to God's values, WITH FINESSE!
There is NO cavalry coming out of Washington!
The Medlock Post Ep. 118: Constitution 101 with Joni Bryan
The Medlock Post Ep. 118: Constitution 101 with Joni Bryan
However, too many schools have ignored this law and left our children uneducated to the power of their God-given rights.
We must ensure our children learn the value in and the contents of the founding principles of our nation's most sacred document.
The Medlock Post Ep. 116: Rules for American Patriots
The Medlock Post Ep. 116: Rules for American Patriots
Patriotic Americans need to stand for free markets or capitalism at home and throughout the world. When America leads in freedom and good, the world benefits.
The spirit of freedom which moved out across the world in the 1800’s was primarily inspired by the fruits of freedom in the United States. The climate of free-market economics lead to the explosion of inventions and discoveries the next 200 years.
The Medlock Post Ep. 117: Happy Birthday George Washington
The Medlock Post Ep. 117: Happy Birthday George Washington
The Medlock Post Ep. 114: The World According to Biden
The Medlock Post Ep. 114: The World According to Biden
The Medlock Post Ep. 113: A Solemn Patriotism
The Medlock Post Ep. 113: A Solemn Patriotism
“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
The Medlock Post Ep. 112: Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared
The Medlock Post Ep. 112: Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared
The Medlock Post Ep. 111: 22nd Principle of the Constitution
The Medlock Post Ep. 111: 22nd Principle of the Constitution
The Medlock Post Ep. 110: Biden's Rule Book
The Medlock Post Ep. 110: Biden's Rule Book
Biden simply did on Tuesday in his State of the Union address what he always does: misinform, ignore, and attack!
Misinform. After sending inflation, energy, and interest rates to astronomical rates, and then seeing them momentarily taper off a bit, Biden declares that he “lowered” these indices that remain far higher than they were when he entered office.
The Medlock Post Ep. 109: The Psychology of Lying
The Medlock Post Ep. 109: The Psychology of Lying
The Medlock Post Ep. 108: Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr
The Medlock Post Ep. 108: Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr
The Medlock Post Ep. 107: Tribute to Black History Month
The Medlock Post Ep. 107: Tribute to Black History Month
The Medlock Post Ep. 106: A Solemn Oath
What is the purpose of the oath of office?
In the Federal Government, in order for an official to take office, he or she must first take the oath of office; this is also known as a swearing-in ceremony. The official reciting the oath swears an allegiance to uphold the Constitution.
The Medlock Post Ep. 105: A New North America
The Medlock Post Ep. 105: A New North America
The Medlock Post Ep. 104: Global Freedom
January 18, 2023
The Medlock Post Ep. 104: Global Freedom
The Medlock Post Ep. 103: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Medlock Post Ep. 103: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Long before the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a distinguished civil rights leader, he was a clergyman, like his father and grandfather. His sermons show the importance of God in his life and his life’s work.
The nation honors the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. today for his impact on civil rights. But before he became a champion of social justice and one of the most admired Americans of the 20th century, King was an ordained minister who said his first calling was his greatest commitment.
The Medlock Post Ep. 102: Weekend at Biden's
The Medlock Post Ep. 102: Weekend at Biden's
January 10, 2023
Did someone or something seize control of the United States?
What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased?
Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?
When did clean-burning, cheap, and abundant natural gas become the equivalent to dirty coal? How did prized natural gas that had granted America’s wishes of energy self-sufficiency, reduced pollution, and inexpensive electricity become almost overnight a pariah fuel whose extraction was a war against nature? Which lawmakers, which laws, which votes of the people declared natural gas development and pipelines near-criminal?
Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas – furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices’ homes, with placards declaring “Off with their d—s”?
Since when did Americans create a government Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did not like and writers whom it feared?
How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television? Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees?
When did we assume the FBI had the right to subvert the campaign of a candidate it disliked? Was it legal suddenly for one presidential candidate to hire a foreign ex-spy to subvert the campaign of her rival?
Was some state or federal law passed that allowed biological males to compete in female sports? Did Congress enact such a law? Did the Supreme Court guarantee that biological male students could shower in gym locker rooms with biological women? Were women ever asked to redefine the very sports they had championed?
When did the government pass a law depriving Americans of their freedom during a pandemic? In America can health officials simply cancel rental contracts or declare loan payments in suspension? How could it become illegal for mom-and-pop stores to sell flowers or shoes during a quarantine but not so for Walmart or Target?
Since when did the people decide that 70 percent of voters would not cast their ballots on Election Day? Was this revolutionary change the subject of a national debate, a heated congressional session, or the votes of dozens of state legislatures?
What happened to Election Night returns? Did the fact that Americans created more electronic ballots and computerized tallies make it take so much longer to tabulate the votes?
When did the nation abruptly decide that theft is not a crime, assault not a felony? How can thieves walk out with bags of stolen goods, without the wrath of angry shoppers, much less fear of the law?
Was there ever a national debate about the terrified flight from Afghanistan? Who planned it and why?
What happened to the once-trusted FBI? Why almost overnight did its directors decide to mislead Congress, to deceive judges with concocted tales from fake dossiers and with doctored writs? Did Congress pass a law that our federal leaders in the FBI or CIA could lie with impunity under oath?
Who redefined our military and with whose consent? Who proclaimed that our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff could call his Chinese Communist counterpart to warn him that America’s president was supposedly unstable? Was it always true that retired generals routinely libeled their commander-in-chief as a near Nazi, a Mussolini, an adherent of the tools of Auschwitz?
Were Americans ever asked whether their universities could discriminate against their sons and daughters based on their race? How did it become physically dangerous to speak the truth on a campus? Whose idea was it to reboot racial segregation and bias as “theme houses,” “safe spaces,” and “diversity”? How did that happen in America?
How did a virus cancel the Constitution? Did the lockdowns rob us of our sanity? Or was it the woke hysteria that ignited our collective madness?
We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.
Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness. He is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of “The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won,” from Basic Books. You can reach him by e-mailing
The Medlock Post Ep. 101: The Coup We Never Knew
The Medlock Post Ep. 101: The Coup We Never Knew
’Cause my cup has overflowed
January 10, 2023
The Medlock Post Ep. 100: My Kingdom for a Horse
The Medlock Post Ep. 100: My Kingdom for a Horse
The Medlock Post Ep. 99: The Wisdom of Calvin Coolidge
The Medlock Post Ep. 99: The Wisdom of Calvin Coolidge