The Medlock Post Ep. 127: Christian Survival in a Secular Age
Why the Original Constitution Will Never Be Obsolete:
And that is what the Constitution is all about—providing freedom from abuse by those in authority. Anyone who says the American Constitution is obsolete just because social and economic conditions have changed does not understand the real genius of the Constitution. It was designed to control something which has not changed and will not change—namely, human nature.
Why did the FDIC takeover three regional banks on
March 10, 2023? Will the FDIC or the Federal Reserve start running banks as a
Nationalization process?
What does the takeover of three regional banks and
Hunter Biden have in common?
Why are other banks being blocked from buying the, so
called, failed banks?
How does China benefit from the takeovers?
How do the Biden’s benefit from the bank takeovers?
How do the Globalists benefit from the bank takeovers?
Why did SVB file for bankruptcy when all deposits will
be covered? Will there be more bank bankruptcies to come?
It is reported that 1,500 climate change tech
companies banked with SVB.
How does Donald Trump come to play in this mess?
What role did Sen. Elizabeth Warren play in the
banking chaos?
Mark Twain:
“The two greatest characters in the 19th century are Napoleon and Helen Keller. Napoleon tried to conquer the world by physical force and failed. Helen tried to conquer the world by power of mind — and succeeded!”
You can become a MASTERFUL INFLUENCER with the people you naturally encounter in your life and win them to God's values, WITH FINESSE!
There is NO cavalry coming out of Washington!
Patriotic Americans need to stand for free markets or capitalism at home and throughout the world. When America leads in freedom and good, the world benefits.
The spirit of freedom which moved out across the world in the 1800’s was primarily inspired by the fruits of freedom in the United States. The climate of free-market economics lead to the explosion of inventions and discoveries the next 200 years.
“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
Biden simply did on Tuesday in his State of the Union address what he always does: misinform, ignore, and attack!
Misinform. After sending inflation, energy, and interest rates to astronomical rates, and then seeing them momentarily taper off a bit, Biden declares that he “lowered” these indices that remain far higher than they were when he entered office.
What is the purpose of the oath of office?
In the Federal Government, in order for an official to take office, he or she must first take the oath of office; this is also known as a swearing-in ceremony. The official reciting the oath swears an allegiance to uphold the Constitution.
January 18, 2023