June 17, 2023
by Richard G. Medlock
In April 2015, Donald and Melania Trump came down the escalator of Trump Towers in NYC to
announce that he was running for the GOP Nomination for President of the United States of
America. In that announcement he said he
would not allow Globalism to take over America.
At that moment, not only the Globalist, but the Democratic Socialist
went to war with Donald Trump. That’s
what the Democratic Socialists were called in 2015. Today they are the Democratic Marxists.
Since that announcement in April 2015, Donald Trump
and his supporters have been under attack and labeled as everything but who
they truly are. That is, Peace loving,
God-fearing, Family lovers, and full believers and supporters of the United
States Constitution. They have been
physically attacked. Businesses
attacked. Christian churches attacked
and burned. Even some have been arrested and jailed on phony charges. Parents put on “Domestic Terrorists” list for
standing up to perverted school boards.
Despite all the persecution, God-fearing Americans are
standing strong with their belief in God to carry them forward in the fight of
Good versus Evil.
Since April 2015, Donald Trump has exposed what is
called “The Swamp” or the “Deep State” in the Federal Government and
beyond. And Americans finally opened
their eyes to the fact that “The Swamp” was not limited to only the Democrat
Party. And it was fully recognized that
there was a “Republican Establishment” aligned with “The Deep State”.
With Donald Trump constantly exposing the corruption
of “The Swamp”, “The Deep State”, and the “Globalists” efforts to weaken and
destroy America and the Constitution, the efforts turned to convincing the
world that a “New World Order” was in the best interest for all countries and
And in their desperation to rid themselves of the
constant Nemesis, Donald Trump, they are willing to continue exposing their
plans to control all World governments and currencies in hopes of convincing
every one of the “good intentions” on the Globalist’s part.
But the desperate actions of the “Democratic Marxists”
and “Globalists” appears to be backfiring on them again. The indictment of Donald Trump has pushed many
away from “The Deep States” ideology and mischief. These same Americans are feeling the negative
effects of bad economic policies and regulations that is placing burdens upon
the backs of millions of Americans who struggle financially and employment
Americans, “We the People”, have grown weary of all
the venomous contention of “Contrived Chaos” of climate, banking institutions,
green energy, the border crisis, hypocrisy, and constant lying to create “The
Deep State’s” own Truth. Mark Twain wrote
“How empty is theory in the presence of fact!”
Our perilous times before us have been created and
filled with anger, hostility, and contention by forces that only desire power
over America and the World. These
forces, I believe are under the strong influence of Satan himself. Only Satan creates “Contention, Chaos, Fear,
Division, Hated, and Violence”. Sun Tzu said “An Evil Man will burn his
own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”
We the People as “God-fearing Americans” should avoid
all of Satan’s traps by shunning all contention. Can we speak up against the evil works before
us? Yes! But in a way that shows compassion and understanding for those who
have fallen under the harsh influences of the “Adversary”.
John Adams
said “Power always thinks that it is doing God’s service when it is violating
all its laws.”
William Booth,
the founder of The Salvation Army, taught “The chief danger of the 20th century
will be Religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ,
forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics
without God, and Heaven without Hell.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. preached that “The Silence of the good people is
more dangerous than the brutality of the bad people.”