
TTIP deal: Obamatrade suffers a series of blows in Europe

U.S. President Barack Obama

TTIP deal: Obamatrade suffers a series of blows in Europe

Hillary Keeps Making History...

George Washington

SICK: Here's A List of Republicans Now Supporting Hillary Clinton Over Trump... Remember THESE Names

SICK: Here's A List of Republicans Now Supporting Hillary Clinton Over Trump... Remember THESE Names

These are the people who would dare go against the will of the voters after they have pandered to #Obama from day one! It's time for both establishments to go.

Big Miss: "August Curse" Continues As Payrolls Rise By Only 151,000; Hourly Earnings Disappoint | Zero Hedge

Big Miss: "August Curse" Continues As Payrolls Rise By Only 151,000; Hourly Earnings Disappoint | Zero Hedge

94,391,000 Not In Labor Force; Labor Force Participation Stuck at 62.8%

94,391,000 Not In Labor Force; Labor Force Participation Stuck at 62.8%

Employers Added 151,000 Jobs in August | Fox Business


Employers Added 151,000 Jobs in August | Fox Business

Democratic Party Busted For $100 Million Dollar Voter Fraud Scheme – American Lookout

Hillary Clueless on Guns

Democratic Party Busted For $100 Million Dollar Voter Fraud Scheme – American Lookout

Japan surrenders - Sep 02, 1945 - HISTORY.com

Japan surrenders - Sep 02, 1945 - HISTORY.com