
The Medlock Post Ep. 74: Trust God or Trust Government

October 31, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 74: Trust God or Trust Government

The Founding Fathers relied on their faith in the Creator to write the Constitution of the United States based on Judeo-Christian Values.  These Judeo-Christian Values developed in the Colonist to produce a “Public Virtue” which led them to a strength for Self-Government.  Not only did the Founding Fathers believe this, but also the Colonist who wanted to be free from Tyranny. Otherwise, the “new experiment” would not have succeeded as well as it has.

Links to the two articles referred to in the program.

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What Does Being an American Mean to You?

October 29, 2022

"What It Means to Be American" By Micah R. from Columbus High School in Montana
The word freedom comes to mind when we think of the question what does it mean to be American because America is known throughout the world as a country built on freedom.
“What it means to be American is a pretty complex topic,” to quote my English teacher Mr. Olsen. I didn’t fully understand what he meant by that until I started writing and rewriting this paper. When first analysing the question I didn’t think much of it and I figured it was a pretty easy question to answer. This question however, is like any other question and can have many different meanings depending on the person answering it. I’ve heard it defined as having freedom or being free. According to a survey done by George H. Gallup Jr. given to students from 13-17 about what it means to be American the majority of the kids mentioned freedom in their responses. One fifteen year old boy who took the survey said this, “Being an American means being proud of my country and defending our right to free speech and the freedom to be who we are. I will defend my right to be free to the death.” (George H. Gallup, 2016) The word freedom comes to mind when we think of the question what does it mean to be American because America is known throughout the world as a country built on freedom. The last line of our National anthem has the word freedom in it, “for the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” (Francis Scott Key, 1814) Freedom is a key part of America and is something we should cherish but it doesn’t answer the question fully, there is more to it than that.
Voting like freedom is an honor that you have in America. The right to vote is a very important issue that has been fought over throughout our country's history. In the beginning only white males who owned land could vote, then it expanded to all white males, women got the right to vote in 1919, and finally African Americans got the right to vote in 1969. The right to vote has been discussed and critiqued throughout the years leading up to equal voting rights.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said this, “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1902) This could happen if the percentage of Americans who vote keeps decreasing, we only have ourselves to blame for not using our right to vote.
America is a great country with lots of opportunities, I am proud to live here and be a part of this nation. I am eighteen now which means I can legally vote and I plan on doing so. I believe as an American citizen voting is a duty that I am obliged to and that everyone should when they are of legal age. As I’ve learned throughout my study of what it means to be American there are many different opinions and answers to the question. Each person has a different perspective on it, and we each have an individual opinion. Voting is one way to be able to use your opinion, and I believe that it is taken for granted. Voting is a huge part of this country and it shouldn’t be pushed aside. If no more than 65 percent of Americans vote during a presidential election, that is a problem. We must make voting more of a priority in society and get the voting percentages up to a higher amount. If voting is the way we choose who is president of our country, it should not be taken lightly. Voting is an honor, and it is a major part of what it means to be American. "
* By Micah R. from Columbus High School in Montana


SCOTUS & Contemporary Politics by Richard G. Medlock

October 29, 2022

SCOTUS & Contemporary Politics

This is a response to an email this morning concerning the following article:

"Supreme Court justices spar over court legitimacy comments"

Let me start out by turning to the Founding Father that wrote most of the Constitution, James Madison.  There are two quotes from The Federalist Papers that will help us understand what might be going on with SCOTUS.

In Federalist 47 James Madison explained this “When the legislative and executive powers are united and the same person or body, there can be no liberty because apprehensions may arise at least the same monarch or Senate should enact tyrannical laws to execute them in a tyrannical manner. Or the power of judging joined with this legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control, for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power the judge might behave with all the violence of an oppressor.”

Here, Madison is explaining the problems that will develop if "Separation of Powers" is not kept intact.  Tyranny.  We have seen this warning come true in the last few presidential administrations, even under Trumps admin.  But the movement had already started, and Trump's attempts at halting the movement were limited and have been completely undone by Biden.  This current administration is the gravest example of Madison's warning.  I believe the Democratic Marxists have intentionally escalated their plans to destroy America.

In Federalist 39, James Madison explained it this way. “The first question that offers itself is whether the general form and aspect of the government be strictly republican. It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; With the fundamental principles of the Revolution; or would that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found to depart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible.”

On The Medlock Post, I have mentioned the question about new bills and laws.  "Which principle of the Constitution does this bill, law, regulation. or government agency apply to?"  This is what Madison is saying in Federalist 39.  Tom Herron and I discussed this on The Medlock Post Ep. 71 program Wednesday.  Every American should be asking this question right now.

How does this apply to SCOTUS and the cries that it is no longer legitimate?

Let's start by looking at the Dobbs ruling.  Those of us who opposed abortion have always asked the question, "Where is this in the Constitution?"  I think the six justices who ruled against Dobbs asked themselves that very question and found that principle was not there.  Upholding the Constitution in the Dobbs ruling and the other rulings they made earlier this year.

This is what brought about such a firestorm and screams of illegitimacy of SCOTUS.  The Marxists hate the Constitution and discredit that INSPIRED DOCUMENT as irrelevant.  They have the media on their side screaming the message of SCOTUS being over-rated and probably not necessarily needed in today's United States and especially not in the New World Order.

By discrediting SCOTUS, this can give the Marxists a good reason to ignore their rulings.  This is called "ANARCHY" by the ruling party and their followers. And the Founding Father's also called it, "Ruler's Law".

Let me finish with this quote concerning the Constitution:

“Anyone who says the American Constitution is obsolete just because of social and economic conditions have changed does not understand the real genius of the Constitution. It was designed to control something which has not changed and will not change – namely, human nature.”

W. Cleon Skousen, 5000 Year Leap

This "human nature" is what is driving the Marxists.  Power. Greed. Lust.  And it goes to the five conditions of society the Marxists are creating to maintain their Power.  CHAOS, DIVISION, FEAR, HATRED, AND VIOLENCE.

We need to "heed not the negative voices" in the world.  And as Thomas Sowell said, "Many on the Left are so enhanced by the beauty of their vision that they cannot see the ugly reality they are creating in the real world."

Thomas Jefferson said, "The Spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to always be kept alive.  It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.  I like a little rebellion now and then.  It is like a storm in the atmosphere."

We the People should be that "storm in the atmosphere" at all times and Stand Up to the Tyranny of the government.




The Medlock Post Ep. 73: America vs the "World Order"

October 28, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 73: America vs the "World Order"

Today we will start a two-part presentation concerning what America and We the People are fighting against.  Elections are 11 days away and many critical decisions are to be made.  The information I will discuss in today’s Episode 73 and in the next Episode 74. will help you understand better what the fight is all about.  One way that the fight can be described is “They not only want your Life and Property, but they also want your Soul.”  



The Medlock Post Ep. 72: Political Chaos

October 27, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 72: Political Chaos

America is under attack by the Democratic Marxists.  They will do anything to get elected to maintain Power.



The Medlock Post Ep. 71: Up With America, Pt. II

October 26, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 71: Up With America, Pt. II

We believe that the best is yet to come for America — but it’s not going to happen by accident. Now is the time to join together with one voice to restore our great nation.

Tom Herron of Up with America was our special guest.



The Medlock Post Ep. 70: Liberty vs Tyranny

October 25, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 70: Liberty vs Tyranny

If you want to destroy America, how would you do it? That sounds provocative. It's not intended to be if you want to destroy America, how would you do it?



The Medlock Post Ep. 69: Anything Goes Friday

October 21, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 69: Anything Goes Friday

The Mainstream Media still refuses to tell you the facts and truth.  But The Medlock Post will do what the MSM will not.  Our Purpose and Goal is to Educate you with the knowledge you need to make choices which will benefit your lives and help save America from Totalitarianism.



The Medlock Post Ep. 68: How America Arrived at a Constitutional Crisis

October 20, 2022


The Medlock Post Ep. 68: How America Arrived at a Constitutional Crisis

When the 45 goals of Communism were published and made known, they were received in some quarters with skepticism, in others with abhorrence. For the most part, Americans believed that such blatantly-declared assaults on the “American way” would be virtually impossible to achieve.



The Medlock Post Ep. 67: Is there a real Constitutional Crisis?

October 18, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 67: Is there a real Constitutional Crisis?

We hear the phrase "Constitutional Crisis" a lot lately.  What is meant by that phrase? Who is causing the "Constitutional Crisis"?  Maybe The Medlock Post has some answers.


The Medlock Post Ep. 65: 30 Day Challenge with Lady Up America

October 12, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 65: 30 Day Challenge with Lady Up America

Moms Have Superpowers!
Learning to tap into those superpowers at this moment in history can spark a cultural fire.
You can learn to master conversations with the people you already encounter on a day-to-day basis. The ripple effect can be astounding starting with just one great conversation!
There is NO CAVALRY coming out of Washington. It's up to us!
You don't have to run for office, join some club, or try to become a "world changer".
But you can change the "world around you" starting right now!  
Time is of the essence! 

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The Medlock Post Ep. 66: Hispanic America Women's Association

October 13, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 66: Hispanic America Women's Association

Hi there! We are AHAM – the Hispanic American Women's Association. We are a group of hard-working women who are passionate about education and culture. All of us are committed to helping the Hispanic population achieve a better future through higher education–and we make it all happen through the magic of volunteerism!



The Medlock Post Ep. 64: History Lesson: Christopher Columbus

October 10, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 64: History Lesson: Christopher Columbus

After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492, believing he has reached East Asia. His expedition went ashore the same day and claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, who sponsored his attempt to find a western ocean route to China, India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia.



The Medlock Post Ep. 63: Who Will Defend the U.S. Constitution?

October 7, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 63: Who Will Defend the U.S. Constitution?

We the People Must...Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America.



The Medlock Post Ep. 62: Hispanic Heritage Month

October 5, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 62: Hispanic Heritage Month

  • National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15.
  • The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson.
  • It was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period.
  • It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.



The Medlock Post Ep. 61: Rule Not by Forked Tongue

October 3, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 61: Rule Not by Forked Tongue

 The greatest threat to a dishonest regime is a citizenry willing to name its lies.

America is ruled by an elite whose status and power depend on enforcing certain falsehoods. 

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Renewing American Purpose (article)

October 1, 2022

Renewing American Purpose by Russell Vought

Statesmanship in a post-Constitutional moment

Whittaker Chambers once said that one of the most important cravings in the modern world is height. The ability to get up and see the lay of the land, above the various forces of history moving us when we don’t know we are being moved. This talk is an attempt to gain some constitutional height about where we are as citizens.

We are in a post constitutional moment in our country. Our constitutional institutions, understandings, and practices have all been transformed, over decades, away from the words on the paper into a new arrangement—a new regime if you will—that pays only lip service to the old Constitution. Our system is now much more like an unwritten constitution which operates based on precedents, like the English system. No constitutional amendments have been passed to enact this, but new legal paradigms have been introduced—a “living constitution,” independent agencies, permanent, “expert” civil servants—that have changed the underlying separation of powers at the core of our system.

How did this come to be? The Left at the turn of the nineteenth century were loud critics of the Constitution. Woodrow Wilson wanted an efficient, modern administrative state run by experts that could not be slowed by the Constitution’s separations of powers. He complained that the trouble with the theory of checks and balances, “is that government is not machine, but a living thing. . .. No living thing can have its organs offset against each other, as checks, and live.” But these complaints largely stopped during the historical developments of the twentieth century, and there is rarely any talk of a constitutional amendment on the Left. Why is that? Because the Left quietly adopted a strategy of institutional change that left the constitutional system of separate powers in place but radically perverted how they operated, their incentive structures, and their responsiveness to the American people.

The Left’s legal theorists adopted an approach to interpreting the Constitution based on it being a “living” document, meaning that its provisions should be understood to be malleable, keeping up with a modernizing nation. This was married with increased power assumed by courts, and the notion that nine supreme court justices would make all final decisions without any response from the other branches. Congress created so-called “independent agencies” such as the Federal Reserve or the SEC, meant to be independent from the direction of an elected president, but this principle impacted all the agencies, with career civil servants protected from at-will employment.

Read full article

 is the president of the Center for Renewing America. He served as Acting Director then as the 42nd Director of OMB for nearly two years during the Trump administration.


The Medlock Post Ep. 60: Renewing American Purpose

October 1, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 60: Renewing American Purpose

We are in a post constitutional moment in our country.  Our constitutional institutions, understandings, and practices have all been transformed, over decades, away from the words on the paper into a new arrangement.


The Medlock Post Ep. 59: Crisis Cleanup

September 29, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 59: Crisis Cleanup

The Crisis Cleanup in America goes far beyond Hurricane Ian.  The government has created a crisis far worse than a hurricane.



The Medlock Post Ep. 58: Can You Sleep When the Wind Blows?

September 28, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 58: Can You Sleep When the Wind Blows?

Hurricane Ian is pounding the State of Florida as we speak.  Yes, we can talk about sleeping when the wind blows from a Mother Nature Storm.  But what are some other storms in our lives that we need to be prepared for so we can sleep?

Right now, we have the storms of Chaos, Division, Fear, Hatred, and Violence.  

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The Battle Hymn of the Republic

The Medlock Post Ep. 57: Climate Crisis and Daylight Saving Time

September 26, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 57: Climate Crisis and Daylight Saving Time

 What does the alleged Climate Crisis and Daylight Savings Time have to do with each other?  That is the subject of our discussion today.  Please bear with me and open your mind as I present scientific theories and facts to help you understand the relationship between the two.  Let’s start with the science.


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