Why Won’t Obama Allow Military Volunteers To Fight Our Enemies?

Following the attacks on the World Trade Center many young men and women voluntarily joined a branch of the military in order to fight our nation’s enemies.  Under the Bush administration they were allowed to actually do some fighting and kill some bad guys, but Obama stands firmly on the position of not putting troops in harm’s way (or as our Barry so trendily phrases it: he’ll put no “boots on the ground”), and under Obama even those few who have been allowed to bear arms for America have had such strict rules of engagement imposed on them that they are practically made sitting ducks at the mercy of opposing forces. Again, Obama has made another in a string of stupid, typically liberal decisions: the military is populated by volunteers who “volunteered” to fight for their nation’s survival and their own personal liberties, and Obama prevents them from doing the very thing they signed up to do.  Read more
