
America: How Do "We The People" Move Forward?

 America: How Do "We The People" Move Forward?

                                              by Richard G. Medlock

My opening statement on Up With America Radio Program January 9, 2021

I am Richard Medlock and I am an American.  My allegiances lie in the following order: God; Family; Country.  I am a Constitutional Conservative.  I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.  I stand when the Star Bangled Banner is played.  I fly the flag every day at my home.  I love America and all that its citizens have achieved since the founding of this Great Land.  This is a land of opportunity if one is willing to take advantage of that gift.  Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

My family’s thoughts and prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones because of the appalling events that happened at our Nation’s Capital on January 6th.  We are extremely concerned about the possible repercussions that can arise from those events.  It is very obvious that both political parties are equally responsible and both political parties are equally to blame.  Prayers for our Nation are greatly needed at this time in our history.  This Great Nation was founded on prayers and through prayer has been preserved.

For many, many years I have spoken out against Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, and Globalism.  They have proven to only bring hardship, misery, and even death to many people under its power and its curse.  I will continue to speak out against these Tyrannies.  These “isms” thrive on five things.  Chaos, Division, Fear, Hatred, and War. We must avoid them at all costs.  Countries and Cultures sometimes fall too easily into one or more of those five items.  I am sorry to say that the United States of America has slipped under the spell of these Tyrannies in some form or fashion.  We need to combat these ills that have entered our beautiful land.

I believe that way too many elected public servants have fallen under the beguiling spell that these Tyrannies offer.  It goes to the old saying, “Absolute Power Corrupts”.  Some in government have become a power unto themselves and have put themselves above the law.  This needs to stop. The “Rule of Law” must be followed. We The People are the Power.  We The People formed a more perfect union.  Not government.  We The People give them what authority or power they need.  And We The People can peaceably remove that authority to act on our behalf.  Constitutional bounds have been breached by many, way too many, elected and non-elected public servants.  We The People are the Solution.

I am not concerned with other’s feelings they have for President Donald Trump.  I marvel at what he accomplished for America in the past four years against great odds.  What I am concerned about is how so many can take their dislike, disdain, or even hatred toward one man, President Trump, and put those feelings above the good of America.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

We The People have come to a crossroads in America.  There is a proper way to move forward that can bring peace and unity to our Great Nation.  The Founding Fathers gave us the guide we need to move forward.  The best, in fact the only way, is to honor and live by the Principles and Values set forth in the United States Constitution.  To respect each other no matter their beliefs or opinions.  As Stephen Covey, Author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” counseled, “Understand before being Understood”.  Listen to one another to learn about each other.  Listen to learn from each other.  Reach out with a helping hand to those in need without judging.

As Americans we are very capable of moving forward in this manner.  That is the Great Challenge before us today.  The “Rule of Law” must be followed.  It will take time, effort, patience, patriotism, family, and much prayer and faith in God to achieve the goals of putting the Principles and Values of the Constitution again at front and center in our Nation and in our Culture.  I have full faith in you, the American Citizens, in finding ways to move forward in a peaceful manner that will bring benefits and blessings to all who live within our borders. 

Again, We The People are the Solution.

Finally, from J.R. Knost

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. 

And all things can be mended.

Not with time, as they say, but with intention.

So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.

The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is yours.”

May God Continue to Bless this Great Land, America!

Listen to the complete show: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlmuvwtzacdydd9/01-09-21.mp3?dl=0


  1. Be prepared for additional turmoil over the next few days. Things are not what they seem to be. Pence did not betray Trump. POTUS is in Cheyenne Mountain right now reviewing evidence. You will see some amazing things over the next few days and some terrifying things over the next few weeks.

    1. There are many news stories out about how things can turn on the Liberals and Trump can still be President. But we need to be very careful with these stories and news articles. Even if Trump stays in the White House there are some things that will not be working in his favor. First, he can still be politically impeached and sent packing. Second, there are enough Republicans in the Senate that have turned against him, that trying to get anything accomplished will be very difficult. Third, trying to put together a functional administration right now would be a great challenge. I know this sounds negative, but I'm also trying to be realistic of the current situation.
