
What Is The New Definition Of A Conspiracy Theorists?


by Richard Medlock

President Roosevelt once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

Have you had a child come home from school with a "hidden picture" picture?  Or been reading a magazine with a 'hidden picture" picture?  It could be a beautiful landscape with a "hidden picture" of a boy sitting on a wagon being pulled by a horse.  The "hidden picture" is very hard to find and sometimes you might cheat by going to the back of the magazine to find the answer. or not find it at all.  But once it is found, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

We can believe in today's political climate, that politicians and the media are picture painters who artfully create landscapes for us which deliberately deceive and hide the "hidden picture" or the Truth.  What are their true underlying goals that they will not tell us?  What is that "hidden political picture" they do not want us to see?  Why do we listen to Presidents and politicians make bold promises to fix problems and stop Communism in America and even around the Globe?  They make the promises, but nothing has really changed for generations of Americans.

Is this just an accident?  Are there forces we cannot see that are making the "promises" not happen?  Or, is there a Group of Conspirators controlling the outcome of most political and economic events?

Some refer to them as "Globalists".  Sometimes referred to as "Insiders".  Some call them "Secret Combinations".  And that brings us to what is called the "Conspiracy Theory of History".  No matter what they are called, are they real?  Are people willing to admit they exist?

Let's go back to the "hidden picture".  Politicians and the media do a wonderful job of giving us. the layman. the wonderful landscape.  But never go near the "hidden picture" or "hidden agenda".  Can you think of an example of such a "hidden agenda"?

Let's try this example.  Have you ever heard of the "Government Administrative State"?  Sure you have.  This is where federal government agencies take it upon themselves to make rule and regulations without a law passed by duly elected officials.  Then force these new rules and regulations on the tax paying public.  How did this come about?

This started under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who was the first full Progressive to be President.  After World War I, President Wilson tried to develop a "One World Government".  He settled for the League of Nations which eventually became the United Nations.  And it slowly escalated through the years.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt took it to a higher level with the "Greet New Deal" or the Welfare Program.

Then comes President Obama with the "Affordable Care Act".  Notice how the name of the new programs sound wonderful, but in essence turn out to be just the opposite.  In the very vague wording of a 1,000 plus page document, there is one line that stands out for the conspiracy believers.  The Secretary of Health and Human Resources has the authority to make new rules and regulations and change any existing rules and regulations without legislative approval.  Boom.  The Administrative State was just given power to do whatever it deems necessary to control your life.

This practice of putting this line into bills has become a widespread practice on Capitol hill.  The legislators have basically given away their rights.  Then when things go bad, they blame the agency in charge.

On May 20, 2021, President Biden signed and Executive Order requiring several federal agencies to provide plans for them to basically take more power and freedom away for you as an individual and power from the individual States.

And there are many more examples of these well planned events to show they are not just happening , but well planned.  Are you willing to look for the "hidden picture"?  You should be.

Father Pedro Arrupe made these remarks. "This...Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership.  It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic.  It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy.  It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television."  This was in 1965.  And that society is more powerful today because it controls governments.

Many people are afraid to admit of such a conspiracy that is right before our eyes.  They are afraid of the ridicule.  Or in today's world it is called "Unmasking".  In this manner they are threatened with loss of "social respectability" if they dare broach the idea that there is an organization behind any of the problems currently wracking America. Unfortunately, for many people social status and wealth comes before intellectual honesty. Although they would never admit it, social position and wealth is more important to many people than is the survival of freedom in America.  Even the threat of their children and grandchildren growing up without Freedom.

The New Conspiracy Theorist questions everything the government tells us.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions what the Main Stream Media propaganda is spewing out on a daily basis.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions what is being taught in the public school systems.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions the "Social Justice" and "Racial Equity" movements which are based from Marxism.

The New Conspiracy Theorists are full Patriotic Americans who will not hesitate to "Stand Up and Speak Up" for the Judeo/Christian Morals, Values, and Principles found in the United States Constitution.  The New Conspiracy Theorists are mad at the government's current policies that are destroying the American way of life.  The New Conspiracy Theorists are growing in numbers.  The Sleeping Giants have been awakened.

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