

September 4, 2021

“My country, ‘tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing;

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From ev’ry mountainside

Let freedom ring!”

These are the words of the first verse of “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”.  Many Americans have sung this hymn with a teary eye and a lump in their throats.

Samuel Francis Smith, a Baptist seminary student, wrote the hymn.  He was influenced by an English Lutheran hymn “God Bless Our Native Land”.  The music was based on “God Save The King”.  The hymn was first performed by a children’s choir in Boston, Massachusetts in 1831.

The point is this.  When singing or hearing this hymn today, most Americans are touched, and their Patriotism is lifted in their hearts and minds.  America has been and continues to be the Greatest Nation on Earth.  And more Americans know and believe that fact versus those who don’t.

Why do you think the news, pundits, politicians, and agree mobs verbally and physically attack Patriotic Americans?  Because they know there are more Patriotic Americans than not.  The angry anti-Americans are the minority.

For example:

In Florida the other day, a restaurant owner put a sign up that said if you support the current corrupt administration in government, take your business elsewhere.  The response to this announcement was overwhelming.  Donations came in and business was so big he ran out of food the first day.

In Orange County, California where a teacher tells her students to pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ flag instead of the American Flag, she was fired.  But the students took it to a higher level with a special message to the school and to America.  At Back Bay High School, they covered the school with American Flags.

At another school, a teacher had the Antifa flags in his room and taught anti-American doctrine.  Students complained to their parents.  The parents addressed the matter with the principle.  The teacher was dismissed.  But the parents still went to the local school board and reminded them of their duty to protect the children from anti-American indoctrination.

These are just a few of the many, many times that Patriotic Americans are Standing Up and Speaking Up for American Values and Principles.

Patriotic Americans are the Majority.  That should give us strength to move forward to preserve our Great Land of Freedom.  We The People are America.  May it continue that way forevermore.

Verse 4.

Our fathers’ God, to thee,

Author of liberty,

To thee we sing;

Long may our land be bright

With freedom’s holy light.

Protect us by thy might,

Great God, our King!


By Richard Medlock

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