
Where There’s Smoke


May 2, 2023

America is engulfed in billowing black smoke. America is on fire. America is burning to the ground. 

I was recently walking home from the park with my awesome two-and-a-half-year-old daughter. She said, “Daddy, I smell smoke.” I pointed down the street where a neighbor was burning some brush. You could see smoke rising into the air. I told my little one, “See the smoke. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” She repeated the phrase in her cute little voice. 

I’ve reflected that it’s amazing such a small child could comprehend “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” but most adults in America – indeed, the world – can’t seem to grasp the idea. Most see the smoke, but they can’t put two and two together and realize the smoke is a result of a burning society engulfed in a raging fire being deliberately stoked by their enemies. They blindly plod forward following the herd of apathetic and unthinking people to their doom – the blind leading the blind (Matthew 15:14). 

The first step on the road to recovery from a host of problems, both personal and societal, is to acknowledge there’s a problem. If we continue waltzing forward without admitting there are serious issues that are eroding and imploding everything good around us, we’ll one day wake up in the chains of Marxian high-tech feudalism. 

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