
The Medlock Post Ep. 68: How America Arrived at a Constitutional Crisis

October 20, 2022


The Medlock Post Ep. 68: How America Arrived at a Constitutional Crisis

When the 45 goals of Communism were published and made known, they were received in some quarters with skepticism, in others with abhorrence. For the most part, Americans believed that such blatantly-declared assaults on the “American way” would be virtually impossible to achieve.



The Medlock Post Ep. 67: Is there a real Constitutional Crisis?

October 18, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 67: Is there a real Constitutional Crisis?

We hear the phrase "Constitutional Crisis" a lot lately.  What is meant by that phrase? Who is causing the "Constitutional Crisis"?  Maybe The Medlock Post has some answers.


The Medlock Post Ep. 65: 30 Day Challenge with Lady Up America

October 12, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 65: 30 Day Challenge with Lady Up America

Moms Have Superpowers!
Learning to tap into those superpowers at this moment in history can spark a cultural fire.
You can learn to master conversations with the people you already encounter on a day-to-day basis. The ripple effect can be astounding starting with just one great conversation!
There is NO CAVALRY coming out of Washington. It's up to us!
You don't have to run for office, join some club, or try to become a "world changer".
But you can change the "world around you" starting right now!  
Time is of the essence! 

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The Medlock Post Ep. 66: Hispanic America Women's Association

October 13, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 66: Hispanic America Women's Association

Hi there! We are AHAM – the Hispanic American Women's Association. We are a group of hard-working women who are passionate about education and culture. All of us are committed to helping the Hispanic population achieve a better future through higher education–and we make it all happen through the magic of volunteerism!



The Medlock Post Ep. 64: History Lesson: Christopher Columbus

October 10, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 64: History Lesson: Christopher Columbus

After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492, believing he has reached East Asia. His expedition went ashore the same day and claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, who sponsored his attempt to find a western ocean route to China, India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia.



The Medlock Post Ep. 63: Who Will Defend the U.S. Constitution?

October 7, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 63: Who Will Defend the U.S. Constitution?

We the People Must...Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America.



The Medlock Post Ep. 62: Hispanic Heritage Month

October 5, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 62: Hispanic Heritage Month

  • National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15.
  • The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson.
  • It was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period.
  • It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.



The Medlock Post Ep. 61: Rule Not by Forked Tongue

October 3, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 61: Rule Not by Forked Tongue

 The greatest threat to a dishonest regime is a citizenry willing to name its lies.

America is ruled by an elite whose status and power depend on enforcing certain falsehoods. 

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Renewing American Purpose (article)

October 1, 2022

Renewing American Purpose by Russell Vought

Statesmanship in a post-Constitutional moment

Whittaker Chambers once said that one of the most important cravings in the modern world is height. The ability to get up and see the lay of the land, above the various forces of history moving us when we don’t know we are being moved. This talk is an attempt to gain some constitutional height about where we are as citizens.

We are in a post constitutional moment in our country. Our constitutional institutions, understandings, and practices have all been transformed, over decades, away from the words on the paper into a new arrangement—a new regime if you will—that pays only lip service to the old Constitution. Our system is now much more like an unwritten constitution which operates based on precedents, like the English system. No constitutional amendments have been passed to enact this, but new legal paradigms have been introduced—a “living constitution,” independent agencies, permanent, “expert” civil servants—that have changed the underlying separation of powers at the core of our system.

How did this come to be? The Left at the turn of the nineteenth century were loud critics of the Constitution. Woodrow Wilson wanted an efficient, modern administrative state run by experts that could not be slowed by the Constitution’s separations of powers. He complained that the trouble with the theory of checks and balances, “is that government is not machine, but a living thing. . .. No living thing can have its organs offset against each other, as checks, and live.” But these complaints largely stopped during the historical developments of the twentieth century, and there is rarely any talk of a constitutional amendment on the Left. Why is that? Because the Left quietly adopted a strategy of institutional change that left the constitutional system of separate powers in place but radically perverted how they operated, their incentive structures, and their responsiveness to the American people.

The Left’s legal theorists adopted an approach to interpreting the Constitution based on it being a “living” document, meaning that its provisions should be understood to be malleable, keeping up with a modernizing nation. This was married with increased power assumed by courts, and the notion that nine supreme court justices would make all final decisions without any response from the other branches. Congress created so-called “independent agencies” such as the Federal Reserve or the SEC, meant to be independent from the direction of an elected president, but this principle impacted all the agencies, with career civil servants protected from at-will employment.

Read full article

 is the president of the Center for Renewing America. He served as Acting Director then as the 42nd Director of OMB for nearly two years during the Trump administration.


The Medlock Post Ep. 60: Renewing American Purpose

October 1, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 60: Renewing American Purpose

We are in a post constitutional moment in our country.  Our constitutional institutions, understandings, and practices have all been transformed, over decades, away from the words on the paper into a new arrangement.


The Medlock Post Ep. 59: Crisis Cleanup

September 29, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 59: Crisis Cleanup

The Crisis Cleanup in America goes far beyond Hurricane Ian.  The government has created a crisis far worse than a hurricane.



The Medlock Post Ep. 58: Can You Sleep When the Wind Blows?

September 28, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 58: Can You Sleep When the Wind Blows?

Hurricane Ian is pounding the State of Florida as we speak.  Yes, we can talk about sleeping when the wind blows from a Mother Nature Storm.  But what are some other storms in our lives that we need to be prepared for so we can sleep?

Right now, we have the storms of Chaos, Division, Fear, Hatred, and Violence.  

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The Battle Hymn of the Republic

The Medlock Post Ep. 57: Climate Crisis and Daylight Saving Time

September 26, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 57: Climate Crisis and Daylight Saving Time

 What does the alleged Climate Crisis and Daylight Savings Time have to do with each other?  That is the subject of our discussion today.  Please bear with me and open your mind as I present scientific theories and facts to help you understand the relationship between the two.  Let’s start with the science.


American Spirit Quotes | Patriotic Sayings | Celebrating The USA


The Medlock Post Ep. 56: Values and Promises (Special Broadcast)

September 23, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 56: Values and Promises

I have an important 60th anniversary taking place.  On September 24, 1962, I earned my Eagle Scout Award.  I grew up in Scouting since my dad help start Troop 183 in 1951 and served as Scoutmaster until 1969.  I had the honor to serve as an adult leader in the Scouting Program, even as a Scoutmaster.  My dad was a great example of dedication and leadership to my brother and myself.  And many more Scouts in his troop. 

Because of current circumstances with the National Boy Scout Organization, Troop 183 was retired after 68 years in 2019.

It was an invaluable honor to have grown up in the Scouting Movement and served as an adulty to carry it forward as long as I was physically able.  The life lessons learned, the friendships that developed, and the outdoor experiences served to help me with life and family.

I was able to serve on our local Scout Council in many different levels of leadership.  The last position was over the Council Adult Training Program.  Training and teaching being one of my passions.  I also served on several national committees.

I would like to take some time and review and remind myself and you, the listeners, of many of the reasons the Scouting Movement still means so much to me.

Let's start with the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

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Italian review of extreme weather says no evidence of "climate crisis" in current data

September 21, 2022

Italian review of extreme weather says no evidence of "climate crisis" in current data

Scientists say "mitigation and adaptation strategies" still necessary.

quartet of Italian scientists are claiming that a review of current extreme weather data suggest the world is not experiencing a "climate crisis," contra the claims of most scientists and leaders around the planet. 

Activists and experts have long claimed that climate change will bring about an increasingly unstable atmosphere, one that is prone to ever-more-extreme weather events including more severe storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts, among other phenomena. 

In a paper titled "A critical assessment of extreme events trends in times of global warming" published earlier this year at the European Physical Journal Plus, four Italian researchers claim that "on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not evident yet."

The researchers in the paper argue that "global trends in heatwave intensity are not significant," while "daily precipitation intensity and extreme precipitation frequency are stationary in the main part of the weather stations."

"Trend analysis of the time series of tropical cyclones show a substantial temporal invariance and the same is true for tornadoes in the USA," they continue, while noting that "the impact of warming on surface wind speed remains unclear."

When assessing "natural disasters, floods, droughts, ecosystem productivity and yields of the four main crops (maize, rice, soybean and wheat)," the researchers said they found "none of these response indicators show a clear positive trend of extreme events."

The writers stress that it is "nevertheless extremely important to define mitigation and adaptation strategies that take into account current trends."

"[W]e should work to minimize our impact on the planet and to minimize air and water pollution," they argue.



None Dare Call It Conspiracy

September 21, 2022

This is from The Medlock Post Radio Show Ep. 55.  blogtalkradio.com/themedlockpost

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Most of us have had the experience, either as parents or youngsters, of trying to discover the "hidden picture" within another picture in a children's magazine. Usually, you are shown a landscape with trees, bushes, flowers and other bits of nature. The caption reads something like this: "Concealed somewhere in this picture is a donkey pulling a cart with a boy in it. Can you find them?" Try as you might, usually you could not find the hidden picture until you turned to a page farther back in the magazine which would reveal how cleverly the artist had hidden it from us. If we study the landscape, we realize that the whole picture was painted in such a way as to conceal the real picture within, and once we see the "real picture," it stands out like the proverbial painful digit.

We believe the picture painters of the mass media are artfully creating landscapes for us which deliberately hide the real picture.

Millions of Americans are concerned and frustrated over mis-happenings in our nation. They feel that something is wrong, drastically wrong, but because of the picture painters they can't quite put their fingers on it.

We keep electing new Presidents who seemingly promise faithfully to halt the worldwide Communist advance, put the blocks to extravagant government spending, douse the tea of inflation, put the economy on an even keel, reverse the trend which is turning the country into a moral sewer, and toss the criminals into the hoosegow where they belong.

Republican or Democrat, continues the same basic policies of the previous administration which it had so thoroughly denounced during the election campaign.

FDR once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

If we were merely dealing with the law of averages, half of the events affecting our nation's well-being should be good for America. If we were dealing with mere incompetence, our leaders should occasionally make a mistake in our favor.

Those who believe that major world events result from planning are laughed at for believing in the "conspiracy theory of history." Of course, no one in this modern day and age really believes in the conspiracy theory of history - except those who have taken the time to study the subject.

Otherwise, why does every recent administration make the same mistakes as the previous ones? Why do they repeat the errors of the past which produce inflation, depressions and war? Why does our State Department "stumble" from one Communist-aiding "blunder" to another?

Primarily, most scholars follow the crowd in the academic world just as most women follow fashions. To buck the tide means social and professional ostracism. The same is true of the mass media.

Secondly, these people have over the years acquired a strong vested emotional interest in their own errors. Their intellects and egos are totally committed to the accidental theory.

Politicians and "intellectuals" are attracted to the concept that events are propelled by some mysterious tide of history or happen by accident.

Most intellectuals, pseudo and otherwise, deal with the conspiratorial theory of history simply by ignoring it. They never attempt to refute the evidence. It can't be refuted. If and when the silent treatment doesn't work, these "objective" scholars and mass media opinion molders resort to personal attacks, ridicule, and satire. The personal attacks tend to divert attention from the facts which an author or speaker is trying to expose. The idea is to force the person exposing the conspiracy to stop the exposure and spend his time and effort defending himself.

However, the most effective weapons used against the conspiratorial theory of history are ridicule and satire.

The "accidentalists" would have us believe that ascribing any of our problems to planning is "simplistic" and all our problems are caused by Poverty, Ignorance and Disease - hereinafter abbreviated as PID. They ignore the fact that organized conspirators use PID, real and imagined, as an excuse to build a jail for us all. Most of the world has been in PID since time immemorial and it takes incredibly superficial thinking to ascribe the ricocheting of the United States government from one disaster to another over the past thirty years to PID. "Accidentalists" ignore the fact that some of the more advanced nations in the world have been captured by Communists. Czechoslovakia was one of the world's most modern industrial nations and Cuba had the second highest per capita income of any nation in Central and South America.

It is not true, however, to state that there are no members of the intellectual elite who subscribe to the conspiratorial theory of history. For example, there is Professor Carroll Quigley of the Foreign Service School at Georgetown University.

He also makes it clear that it is only the network's secrecy and not their goals to which he objects. Professor Quigley discloses: "I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I HAVE NO AVERSION TO IT OR TO MOST OF ITS AIMS AND HAVE, FOR MUCH OF MY LIFE, BEEN CLOSE TO IT AND TO MANY OF ITS INSTRUMENTS. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies…but in general my chief difference of opinion is that IT WISHES TO REMAIN UNKNOWN, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." (Emphasis added)

As Professor Quigley observes: "… his [the individual's] freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits."

There are also religious leaders who are aware of the existence of this conspiracy. In a UPI story dated December 27, 1965, Father Pedro Arrupe, head of the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church, made the following charges during his remarks to the Ecumenical Council:

"This…Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership. It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic. It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television."

Psychological problems are also involved in inducing people to look at the evidence concerning

the Insiders. People are usually comfortable with their old beliefs and conceptions. When Columbus told people the world was a ball and not a pancake, they were highly upset. They were being asked to reject their way of thinking of a lifetime and adopt a whole new outlook. The "intellectuals" of the day scoffed at Columbus and people were afraid they would lose social prestige if they listened to him. Many others just did not want to believe the world was round. It complicated too many things.

And typical flat-earthers had such a vested interest involving their own egos, that they heaped abuse on Columbus for challenging their view of the universe. “Don't confuse us with facts; our minds are made up," they said. These same factors apply today. Because the Establishment controls the media, anyone exposing the Insiders will be the recipient of a continuous fusillade of invective from newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. In this manner one is threatened with loss of "social respectability" if he dares broach the idea that there is organization behind any of the problems currently wracking America. Unfortunately, for many people social status comes before intellectual honesty. Although they would never admit it social position is more important to many people than is the survival of freedom in America.

These same factors apply today. Because the Establishment controls the media, anyone exposing the Insiders will be the recipient of a continuous fusillade of invective from newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. In this manner one is threatened with loss of "social respectability" if he dares broach the idea that there is organization behind any of the problems currently wracking America. Unfortunately, for many people social status comes before intellectual honesty. Although they would never admit it social position is more important to many people than is the survival of freedom in America.

If you ask these people which is more important - social respectability or saving their children from slavery - they will tell you the latter, of course. But their actions (or lack of same) speak so much louder than their words.

They believe that most business and professional men are too shallow and decadent, too status conscious, too tied up in the problems of their jobs and businesses to worry about what is going on in politics. These men are told that it might be bad for business or jeopardize their government contracts if they take a stand. They have been bribed into silence with their own tax monies!

We are hoping that the conspirators have underestimated the courage and patriotism remaining in the American people. We feel there are a sufficient number of you who are not mesmerized by the television set, who put God, family and country above social status, who will band together to expose and destroy the conspiracy of the Insiders.

The philosopher Diogenes scoured the length and breadth of ancient Greece searching for an honest man. We are scouring the length and breadth of America in search of hundreds of thousands of intellectually honest men and women who are willing to investigate facts and come to logical conclusions - no matter how unpleasant those conclusions may be.

Allen, Gary; Abraham, Larry. None Dare Call It Conspiracy (p. 3). Dauphin Publications. Kindle Edition.


The Medlock Post Ep. 55: None Dare Call It Conspiracy

September 21, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 55: None Dare Call It Conspiracy

The Medlock Post promotes Patriotism and Love for America.  Our goal is to help you understand how to benefit from your Rights as an American.  Our aim is to Empower you to Stand Up and Speak Up and Take Action to Protect your God-given Rights.

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The Medlock Post Ep. 54: James Madison, Federalists 46, We the People

September 20, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 54: James Madison, Federalists 46, We the People

James Madison explains how We the People are the power behind the Federal and State Governments.  Madison also affirms the people's right to bear arms.



Never Lose Hope | The BattleCry

Speak With a Forked Tongue

September 19, 2022

Speak with a Forked Tongue

This phrase can be applied to almost all politicians and the mainstream propaganda media.
Richard G. Medlock

The phrase speak with a forked tongue is considered to be an American idiom, but it is older than that. We will examine the definition of the phrase speak with a forked tongue, where it probably came from and some examples of its use in sentences.

To speak with a forked tongue means to tell lies, to not be truthful, to be deceptive. To speak with a forked tongue may be interpreted as saying one thing but meaning another. It is an insult to tell someone that he is speaking with a forked tongue, as it is the same as calling someone a liar. Almost all authorities believe that the metaphor of a forked tongue refers to the forked tongue of a snake. A snake’s forked tongue is also called a bifurcated tongue. The snake uses his tongue to activate his vomeronasal system or his sense of smell. The bifurcation allows the snake to have a three-dimensional experience of smell. The origins of the idea of the forked tongue meaning to tell lies is at least five hundred years old, and is probably derived from the image of Satan as a snake, as depicted in the Adam and Eve story in the Old Testament. In the story, Satan appears to Eve as a snake and talks her into sinning or going against the will of God. He does this by telling her lies and appealing to her curiosity and hubris. The expression forked tongue meaning speaking deceptively or lying is first seen in the early 1500s, predating the first English settlement in America by about one hundred years. The term speak with a forked tongue became more popular in the 1700s, at which time it was ascribed to a translation of a Native American idiom. It is possible that such an idiom existed in some Native American languages, though it is just as likely that it was the English speakers who gave the term to the Native Americans. For a culture that does not revile the snake, the term speak with a forked tongue may be interpreted as to speak with two tongues, which could indicate to say one thing and mean another. Related phrases are speaks with a forked tongue, spoke with a forked tongue, speaking with a forked tongue. Sometimes the phrase is rendered without the article a, as in speak with forked tongue. This is a reference to a stereotypical depiction of how a Native American spoke, especially in Western novels and films, and is generally considered offensive.


Joe Biden and the "Zero Inflation" Lie

September 14, 2022

Joe Biden and the "Zero Inflation" Lie

A month ago, Joe Biden stood in front of America and said we have “Zero Inflation”.   He said inflation was done and there would not be a Recession.  He continued to tell Americans that the policies implemented by his administration were working and we have a stronger economy that ever before.  He also said the Southern Border is closed and secure.  Furthermore, more Americans than ever were working.  He spoke with a forked tongue. 

The Propaganda Media over the last three or four weeks have been telling us since gas prices are down that inflation will be going down and all is right with the world.  Even after the horrific inflation numbers reported yesterday, the media is still trying to get you to think inflation went down.

The Elephant in the room has reared its ugly head and shows us that the administration and the media have their heads in the clouds and will not recognize the truth when it slaps them upside the head.

And yesterday’s inflation report and numbers were a big slap in the head to America.  The administration, the Democratic Socialists, the media, many in the GOP, and Wall Street believed, wishfully, that all is right with the world.

But that is not so.

The numbers tell the story.

CPI: 8.3%; still a 40 year high; last 3 months inflation is up 6.5%.

PPI: 8.7% YOY; core rate up 7.3% (MOM minus food and energy); .04% MOM;

Gas has gone down but still up over 25%.  But that was the only item that went down.  Everything else has increased in price.  And the American consumer knows it.  But watch this, the predictions are for prices to increase again.

Food costs: up 12.2% in the last 3 months

Restaurant costs: up 13.5% in last 3 months

Rent cost: up 6.5 % in last 3 months

Healthcare costs: up 4%

New and Used cars: up 10% and 13% respectively

Electricity is up 13%

Home fuel oil will go up significantly this winter.

The real kicker for Americans is the decline in real wages.  They have gone down now for the 17th month in a row.  That means that inflation is eating up your money.

The agency said real median household income last year was down about $400, making it "not statistically different than 2020."

From 2020 to 2021, inflation rose 4.7%, marking the largest cost-of-living increase since 1990, data shows.

2 yr bond rate: 3.82%

10 yr bond rate: 3.425%; 30 yr bond rate: 3.52%

Mortgage rates are up to 6.5%.  Homebuyer demand falls 29% from last year.  The housing sector is already in a recession.

The Federal Reserve will raise the Fed Funds rate either 75 or 100 basis points next week.

With those rates going up, the increase to the interest payments on Federal Debt will go up $300 Billion per year.  And more as rates continue to rise over the next year or two years.

 Joe Biden, his administration, and the propaganda media were out yesterday celebrating and pushing a false narrative about the inflation situation.  And celebrating the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act.  Americans know it will do just the opposite of what its name implies.  Just the spending alone in the bill will drive up costs and inflation.  In the bill, taxes will go up on businesses and investment.  Energy companies’ taxes are going up under this bill.  All these increases flow to the consumer.  Small businesses will get hit the hardest.

Corporate earnings have already been hit hard.  Third quarter earnings reports will not be too pretty.  Right now, the report is showing by take energy companies out of the report, overall earnings are down 1%.  Retail sales are slowing.  People are buying, but very selective in their purchases.  Food and necessities are taking the priority right now.

Other inflationary moves coming:

Tax increases; more gov’t spending; resurgence in oil prices; the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is at its lowest level since the 1984; Biden releasing 1 million barrels per day has been inflationary, he is looking to increase the daily amount; increase in airline tickets; supply chain problems to persists; possible strikes with key unions; more worker shortage; increase in the minimum wage in some states; and that closed Southern Border with 3.8 million illegals crossing is costing tax payers over $20 Billion per year; Student loan debt relief ($1 Trillion)

The Medlock Post Radio Show



The Medlock Post Ep. 53: National Constitution Day

September 16, 2022

The Medlock Post Ep. 53: National Constitution Day

Constitution Day, is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia.