
Trump’s Poll Numbers Exploding UP. Here’s What Clueless Democrats, DC Swamp & Deep State Will Never Understand

 June 13, 2023

By Wayne Allyn Root

I told you so. 

I’ve spent two and a half years now reporting Democrats get away with murder, while Republicans face life-in-prison for jaywalking.

I spent last week on my TV and radio shows, and in my syndicated newspaper column, reporting that Trump would go UP in the polls after his latest criminal indictment. 

I was right on both counts. 

Trump is UP in the polls. And he faces life-in-prison for an offense than no one understands, no one cares about, everyone knows is a bunch of bogus B.S. and legal mumbo-jumbo.

The latest CBS poll (after the latest indictment) puts Trump over 60% in approval. And up by almost 40 points over his nearest GOP rival Ron DeSantis. Trump is running away with the race.

I’m betting his lead in the general election over Biden will go up as well. 

Yes, I’m telling you Trump goes up each time he’s indicted. You know why he keeps going up? Because the American people aren’t blind, deaf and dumb. Because we may have been born yesterday, but we weren’t born in the past 15 minutes.

Let me explain why the American people will never accept any of these charges against President Trump (whether technically it’s a crime, and he’s convicted, or not).

I’m a street-smart, common-sense SOB (son of a butcher). I’ll always think like my blue-collar father, the butcher. Common sense average Americans know B.S. when they see it. This whole case is B.S.

The media can put all the “legal experts” they want on TV to explain what a terrible and serious crime Trump has committed. And the average American voter will never care. They will grow angrier and angrier at our own government. Because this doesn’t pass “the smell test.” 

A) It doesn’t affect any of us. Trump didn’t hurt one American by “mishandling” a bunch of papers. How does that hurt me? How does that affect my life? It doesn’t.

B) Trump himself didn’t benefit. He didn’t sell the papers. He didn’t show them to foreign enemies. They were left in boxes in his basement, and bathroom shower (according to the fake news media). So, who cares?

C) Everyone does it. Obama has millions of pages of classified documents in his Obama Presidential Library that he never returned. We’ve all seen the classified docs on the floor of Biden’s garage. Even Pence had classified docs. I’ll bet every single U.S. Senator does too. This is a ridiculous waste of time. 

D) Everyone can see the new Democrat motto is, “If you can’t beat ‘em, jail ‘em.”

E) President Biden has committed TREASON. He sold out the American people. He sold us all down the river. He made tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, at our expense. Who cares about a bunch of papers in a box at Trump’s home? No one.

The best and simplest way to explain how average Americans see this is…

Your neighbor on the right committed murder. Yet no one has arrested him.

Your neighbor on the left is a pedophile. Yet no one has arrested him.

Your neighbor directly across the street has committed a $100 million fraud. Yet no one has arrested him.

But you drove 66 MPH in a 65 MPH zone, and a heavily-armed FBI SWAT team just invaded your home today to take you away in handcuffs and leg irons to a maximum security prison for murderers.

Make sense to you? Does this make sense to anyone, anywhere?

Anyone with common sense can see this is what just happened. The American people can see the difference between what’s “legal”…and what matters. This doesn’t matter to anyone except insane, obsessed Democrats with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

It’s tantamount to speeding 66 MPH in a 65 zone. It’s like jay-walking. It’s like betting $100 on an NFL football game before most states legalized it.

So please stop putting “legal experts” on TV to tell us how this is a crime. If it’s a crime, it’s a meaningless crime. It’s a load of horse manure. And we don’t care.

But the opponents of Trump have no clue what butchers, bakers or candlestick makers out here in the real world think.

All of these ridiculous, bogus, hyped-up-by-the-media indictments will push more and more average working Joes and Janes into Trump’s camp. 

Because common sense tells them if this man Trump is so hated by the whole government…the whole DC Swamp…the whole Deep State…the whole political class…the whole legal system…the whole DOJ and FBI…the whole mainstream media…if he’s such a threat to these people who rule our lives…

If they’re desperate enough to turn jaywalking into a crime to end all crimes…and try to put Trump in prison-for-life…

Trump must be doing something right. He must really have the goods on these creeps. He must be the guy wearing the white hat. He must be on our side.

And their final common-sense conclusion will be… 

We all need to make this Trump guy President again in 2024 to see what all these terrible, evil, power-hungry, control-freak, psychopaths are so afraid of.

'TRANTIFA:' Experts warn of 'increasing trend' of extremism and violence from far-left transgender activists


June 13, 2023

UN investigator Reem Alsalem warned that 'freedom of speech and thought, including on the issues of sex, gender, and gender identity' are under attack

From shootings to riots, Antifa and feminist experts warn that radical transgender activists are growing increasingly violent and extreme, with some using the term "Trantifa" to describe the phenomenon.

While Antifa is the far-left "anti-fascist" militant movement often associated with black clothing, face-masks and violent protest, the new term "Trantifa" has been "coined on social media to highlight the strong transgender presence within the anarchist outfit," according to The Daily Mail, which used the definition of "far-left transgender activists willing to intimidate, harass and even use violence to advance their radical new ideas about gender."

UN investigator Reem Alsalem, who has served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls since August 2021, is one of multiple experts on the topic who sounded the alarm about extreme transgender activism to the U.K. outlet.

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Judicial Watch: Clinton Sock Drawer Audio Tape Case Exonerates Pres. Trump


June 13, 2023

A decade old legal case that could exonerate former President Donald Trump has been buried by legacy media.

“[Special counsel] Jack Smith is terrified of the only standing legal case decision from a court concerning the Presidential Records Act,” said Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch.

The case Farrell is referring to is titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration – also known as the “Clinton sock drawer” case. Former President Bill Clinton created White House audio tapes with historian Taylor Branch and stored them in his sock drawer. Judicial Watch sued to obtain access to the tapes and lost.

“He took them from the White House with him into private life,” said Farrell. “There’s classified material on those tapes and arguably it’s the sort of running stream of consciousness record of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Pretty important stuff.”

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Senior FBI Official Goes Public with Damning Information About Mar-a-Lago Raid


June 13, 2023

When nearly two dozen FBI agents raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last August, an unprecedented move against a former president, his allies decried it as a blatant act of political retribution by a left-wing administration bent on damaging its most likely opponent for the White House in 2024.

Naturally, the Biden administration pushed back against such allegations and claimed that the raid was just the next logical step in what had been an ongoing investigation into a suspect believed to be illegally in possession of sensitive materials.

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Trump indictment turns 2024 election upside down, but not the way Democrats hope


June 13, 2023

A Must Read!

Joe Biden is desperate to run against Donald Trump in 2024. His campaign team imagines that the current president is likely to beat the former president, as he did in 2020. The corollary is that they’re not at all convinced he could win over anybody else. 

Hence, the indictment of Donald Trump on charges of mishandling classified information, which inevitably fuels Trump’s grievance agenda, raises money for his campaign, and appears to have further solidified his standing as front-runner in the crowded GOP primary field. The charges are meant to make his nomination inevitable but weaken his appeal in the general election.

Biden’s apparatchiks may have overplayed their hand. According to a CBS News poll taken between June 7 and June 10, half the country thinks Trump’s indictment was politically motivated. The responses are partisan, with 69% of Republicans judging the charges political and only 8% of Democrats. But a plurality of Independents – the fastest-growing and now largest political group in the country –side with GOP respondents in the matter.

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Did Joe Biden sell out America? 4 things to know about Democrats' claims


June 13, 2023

The FBI has been dragging its feet on the investigation into Joe Biden and his family's possible influence peddling. Here's what we're doing to get the facts

For the past year, the House Oversight Committee, where I serve as chairman, has been investigating the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes that generated millions of dollars for the Biden family. We are following the facts. We need to know whether these deals threaten national security and if President Joe Biden is compromised.

The Oversight Committee has already obtained thousands of pages of financial records related to the Biden family and has traced millions of dollars from China and Romania to the Biden family and their associates. Americans are asking: What is the Biden family business? They don’t sell anything, they don’t have lucrative assets generating income, yet they receive millions from around the globe. What are they selling? Influence and access.

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Prosecute the CCP & friends for biowarfare crimes against humanity


June 13, 2023

The Times of London reports the U.S. State Department has concluded at last that a Chinese Communist biological warfare laboratory in Wuhan secretly genetically modified a bat coronavirus to make it more transmissible and lethal to humans.

This is not exactly news. In fact, it has been obvious for years. But the evidence contradicted the officially approved narrative, derived from the Chinese Communist Party’s lies, then legitimated and amplified by the World Health Organization it controls. 

Consequently, we must address the reality that, once the virus was out of the Wuhan lab, it was deliberately spread to this country and globally by the CCP in what amounts to a deliberate biological warfare attack

The Chinese Communist Party is a Transnational Criminal Organization that must be prosecuted and punished for this and other war crimes against innocent people. Ditto its accomplice: the WHO.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Revolutionary Necessity


June 13, 2023

Casting off an existing government is an exercise in considerable prudence and wisdom.

The only force that can oppose this servitude is an armed citizenry with a stake in society, angry about its managed decline, and insistent upon its rights. Thus the kleptocrats’ fear is an armed citizenry above all, and they seek to register, then confiscate, AR-15s to render the people defenseless against state coercion. Such tyranny could trigger open conflict—Americans own some 500 million firearms. And while the Left celebrates revolution, its marchers have never seen the systematic ordering force of conservatism when prodded to destruction. The Left can claim control of the bureaucracy and military command, but of actual fighting forces it holds few—it has alienated local police and the 3.3 million veterans who have returned from recent imperial wars. The Right, after such a long train of abuses, must confront whether it would be willing to leap into the revolutionary abyss. This willingness and preparedness for war may be the way to prevent open conflict, to force a common recognition of some table of values, of inalienable rights not subject to negotiation.

The federal indictment of Donald Trump over secretarial matters is meretricious.


June 13, 2023

The news that former president Trump has been indicted on federal criminal charges related to his alleged mishandling of documents after leaving office marks a new milestone in America’s depressing descent to politics in the style of Peru or Turkey, where departed presidents and political opponents are put in prison as a matter of routine.  

The regime appears to be so besotted with Trump-hate that it is desperate to fling charges and indictments at him, for virtually anything. Following two inane and failed impeachments—the first one of which was so obscure it is hard to find anyone who can even remember the charges, much less describe them lucidly; the second of which occurred after he left office and covered events he was not present at and which he discouraged—we have been treated to a “flood the zone” legal harassment campaign unrivaled in American history. Trump’s enemies—comprising more or less the entire federal government and its many penumbras; the media; academia; most of the corporate world; and a large portion of his own political party—have concocted a series of criminal and civil allegations so absurd that even the prosecutors bringing them have trouble containing their smirks. 

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Why does the left disparage Christianity?


June 13, 2023

My friend Rodney Dodsworth uses John Locke to explain.

”When the time arrived to put independence into writing, our Founders embraced the principles of John Locke (1632-1704).
Given the simplicity of Locke’s fundamentals and the popularity of his works as 18th century events cascaded into our Revolution, one doesn’t need a PhD in philosophy to grasp the elements of his theory. America would do well to relearn the principles of the man who so influenced our revolutionary era, for within his framework is the salvation of the American experiment in free government.
In his Two Treatises of Government, Locke’s starting point was not seriously questioned in America until recent decades: “When men think of themselves as organized with each other they must remember who they are. They do not make themselves, they do not own themselves, they do not dispose of themselves, they are the workmanship of God. They are his servants, sent into the world on his business, they are even his property.” To Locke, this was biblical and common sense. It is the initial proposition of a work that appeals to our Christian heritage and reason.
Second, we are naturally born in a state of nature, of perfect freedom, in which we may act and dispose of our possessions as we see fit, subject only to the Law of Nature. Here, no man need ask permission of, nor depend upon the will of, any other man. This is also a state of equality because God does not create one man with power and jurisdiction over another. The Law of Nature is, equivalently, the Law of Reason, and reason informs us that freedom and liberty are not license; we may not harm ourselves, others or their property as manifest in one’s life, health, liberty or possessions. For evidence, Locke pointed to England’s distant Celtic ancestors and American Indians as living in a state of nature.
In the state of nature all men are duty-bound to enforce the Law of Nature. When one assaults the property (person, life, liberty, estate, possessions) of another, the victim may resist with deadly force. Individual enforcement of the Law of Nature, to punish transgressors of it, constitutes the executive power within each of us. This Natural Law, the Law of Reason, applies to all men at all times.
Needless to say, there are what Locke regarded as “inconveniences” associated with life in the state of nature. Not only are individuals charged with executive power to enforce the Law of Nature, all must use judgement to arrive at executive decisions. In this, in judging their own situations, men are often deficient and prone to misapply Natural Law.
To deal with these inconveniences, men gather in society. The unmistakable evidence of civil society is when every individual resigns up to society his individual duty to exercise the executive power within the Law of Nature to protect his property. Society forms a compact, a constitution of government that sets up legislative, executive and judicial powers to put the Law of Nature into practice. Governing powers are always twice limited: first, by the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, and second, by the consent of the governed.
So, governors are only entrusted with the powers granted for attaining certain ends. If those ends are neglected, government is dissolved and its powers devolve to the society that granted them. Locke defined usurpation as the exercise of power entitled to another; tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a power to. It is for the sovereign people through their society to decide when their servants in government have acted contrary to their trust. Should the governors resist such judgement or threaten the people, they become rulers and outlaws. Under rulers’ oppression, society is rendered into a confused multitude and the people are once again cast back into a State of Nature.
In this extreme situation, when government and society are gone, individuals are subject once again to only the Law of Nature and no earthly judge, but rather, as our Founders declared, “The Supreme Judge of the World.” This isn’t speculative theory; we can see pockets of life in the state of nature, where government is largely absent, in areas of Chicago and Detroit, and when mayors turn their streets over to rule by gangs.
What passes for legitimate government, one that comports with Natural Law and our consent left the American scene long ago. Usurpation of Article I legislative powers by the executive branch developed quickly under FDR, when his SCOTUS judges condoned executive branch lawmaking. THAT was the time for an Article V state amendments convention, to deal with usurpations, with breaches in our governing form. Since then, usurpation devolved into outright tyranny, where governors became rulers unencumbered by the Constitution or Natural Law. This breach of trust forfeits the power the sovereign people put into their hands.
It devolves to the sovereign people, who have the Natural Law right to resume their original liberty and establish a new legislative to provide for their safety and security. Without this, the nation is reduced to a situation worse than the state of nature. In this anarchy, the inconveniences are all as great and as near, while the remedy is further off and more difficult as rulers increasingly use raw force to remain in power.
Having endured a destructive revolution, our Framing generation provided peaceful means in Article V to deal with usurpation and tyranny. History will not look well upon a people who skulked and avoided their obligations to themselves and future generations.”...
Locke, J. (2010). Two Treatises of Government, Edited by Peter Laslett. Cambridge: University Press.

The Medlock Post Ep. 161: 3rd Principle of the Constitution: Evaluating Political Candidates

June 13, 2023

The Medlock Post Ep. 161: 3rd Principle: Evaluating Political Candidates

The United States is entering the election primary season where Americans decide who will represent them in the general elections to be held in 2024.

It’s a time to not only look at the candidates and their qualifications, values, and morals.  But it is also a time for us as individuals, couples, or families to evaluate the values, principles, and morals we align with the most to help us make a candidate decision that most closely aligns with our values.

Listen Now!

“The Most Ridiculous Insurrection”


June 13, 2023

"I comprehend fully that the American People are not yet awake enough to have a 1776-esque revolution. We’re too distracted, divided, and dumb. We don’t know the Constitution or its principles. We’ve forsaken God. We have too few leaders in important positions who can lead in a crisis. We lack the same spirit the Sons of Liberty possessed. January 6th was maybe our biggest show of force to date, yet what was it really except a disorganized, leaderless rally with flags, false hope, and misplaced trust? . . . .
"Patriot, the war is actually begun! A communistic criminal cult occupies our government and is fighting for sole control over our society. It wants to burn the Constitution, eliminate checks and balances, consolidate all power in the hands of the bureaucratic state with its plutocratic ringleaders, dissolve the United States, merge our nation into a one-world dictatorship, snuff out Christianity, morality, and goodness, and once and for all annihilate Freedom. . ."


FBI doc includes claim Burisma exec recorded conversations with Joe, Hunter Biden, Grassley says


June 12, 2023

Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an "insurance policy," citing the FBI FD-1023 form that the bureau briefed congressional lawmakers on. 

Grassley, R-Iowa, revealed from the Senate floor Monday what was said to be a redacted reference in the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.

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Top 10 Headlines the Media didn't tell you this week, retweet & follow for more

June 12, 2023

10. Texas doctors who perform life-altering transgender surgeries for children will now be arrested.
9. Mel Gibson helping with docu-series exposing the $34 billion global child sex trafficking market
8. FBI Assisted Ukrainian Government’s Effort to Censor Twitter Accounts
7. Ex-Anheuser-Busch exec reveals how investment firms BlackRock & Vanguard pressure companies to go woke
6. Elon Musk announced that Twitter will publish government censorship requests, including calls for deleting tweets.
5. Instagram exposed promoting pedophile networks in massive investigation, video sales, in-person meetups with underage boys and girls, using emojis such as a map and cheese pizza
4. Trump indictment happened the same day PROOF that Joe Biden accepted $5 million dollar bribe from Ukrainian Burisma executive, according to FBI document.
3. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could face jail time for fabricating J6 evidence that was used by prosecutors to jail Trump supporters.
2. J & J shot pulled
1. Tucker Carlson debuts first episode on Twitter, Fox threatens to sue after he receives 109 million views, more proof the establishment media is dead.
All reactions:


Second Trump Indictment Is Proof Of Two-Tiered Justice System


June 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump was indicted for a second time Thursday over the same conduct Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton engaged in.

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Resist the social credit system – While you still can


June 12, 2023

Freedom is an endangered species, thanks to the Chinese Communist Party’s so-called “social credit system.” It utilizes a comprehensive array of advanced surveillance, computing and artificial intelligence technologies to monitor and control its own population. 

Worse yet, the Chinese Communists and their globalist allies at the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, Big Pharma and, of course, the Biden administration – seek to impose this “Digital Gulag,” here and throughout the world.

The building-blocks of that liberty-crushing project include: Team Biden’s bid to institutionalize the “China Model” of pandemic lockdowns, emergency orders and mandates; American businesses conforming to “environment, social and governance” scoring; and the proliferation of global and national health IDs. 

The time to resist is now, while we still can. 

This is Frank Gaffney. 

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Left-Wing Billionaire’s Nonprofit Funded DHS-Linked ‘Portal’ Used To Censor Social Media Platforms


June 12, 2023

  • Left-wing billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s nonprofit provided funding for a “portal” linked to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aimed at flagging and removing “misinformation” on social media platforms relating to the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by independent journalist Lee Fang. 
  • The Center for Internet Security, a nonprofit organization focused on cybersecurity, partnered with election officials and a component of DHS to facilitate the reporting of “misinformation” during the 2020 general election through its “reporting portal,” as revealed in a CIS report obtained by Fang.
  • “Through the support of a grant from the Democracy Fund, CIS began developing a web- based interactive platform, the Misinformation Reporting Portal (MiRP) as a means for facilitating interaction between election officials and their representatives CISA, CIS, and social media platforms,” the CIS report stated.
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Please understand what NOT using cash is doing.


June 12, 2023

I have really never thought of this, has anyone else?
💲Please understand what NOT
using cash is doing.
Cash is important. 💸
Why should we pay cash everywhere we can
with banknotes instead of a credit card? 💳
- I have a $50 banknote in my pocket.
Going to a restaurant and paying for dinner with it. The restaurant owner then uses the bill to pay for the laundry. The laundry owner then uses the bill to pay the barber. The barber will then use the bill for shopping.
After an unlimited number of payments, it will still remain $50, which has fulfilled its purpose to everyone who used it for payment and the bank has jumped dry from every cash payment transaction made...
- But if I come to a restaurant and pay digitally - Card, and bank fees for my payment transaction charged to the seller are 3%, so around $1.50 and so will the fee $1.50 for each further payment transaction or owner re laundry or payments of the owner of the laundry shop, or payments of the barber etc.....
Therefore, after 30 transactions, the initial $50 will remain only $5 😫 and the remaining $45 became the property of the bank 🏦 thanks to all digital transactions and fees.
Small businesses need your help and this is one way to help ourselves too. Pull small draws of cash out at a time and use that instead of tap, credit, etc.
When this is put into perspective, imagine what each retailer is paying on a monthly basis in fees at 3% per transaction through their POS machine.
If they have, for example, $50,000 in sales & 90% are by Card, they are paying $1500 in fees in ONE Month. $18,000 in a year! That comes out of their income every month.
That would go a long way to helping that small business provide for its family!

At a time when most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, the ‘quiet luxury’ trend takes over


June 12, 2023

  • The “quiet luxury” trend has quickly caught on, even though, these days, most Americans are more likely to live paycheck to paycheck.
  • Marked by expensive materials in muted tones, quiet luxury is also known as stealth wealth.
  • As Americans’ economic circumstances get increasingly divided, consumers could benefit from the shift to low-key basics over loud logos, one financial expert says.
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The 14th Amendment: United States v. Wong Kim Ark

 June 12, 2023

“[T]he Fourteenth Amendment affirms the ancient and fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the territory, in the allegiance and under the protection of the country, including all children here born of resident aliens . . . ”

Ratified in 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment opens with the Citizenship Clause.  It reads, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  The Supreme Court addressed the meaning of this key provision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark.  Wong Kim Ark was born in San Francisco to parents who were both Chinese citizens.

Honest Joe Redefines American Justice


June 12, 2023

With his finger pointed at the questioner for effect, Joe Biden said: I have never, never had a conversation with the Justice Department about the investigations into Donald Trump. I am Honest! I am sorry, Joe, but you can point both fingers and yell you are honest from the top of a mountain, and nobody with a modicum of common sense will believe you. You are a crooked, corrupt individual and the head of an American Crime Family. If that disrespects the Presidency, so be it, as you have destroyed the respect of the United States President.

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