Devon Archer's Biden Bombshells Start Dropping So We Need to Start Educating by JD Rucker
We're just getting started and they're already blockbusters. Granted, most of it is stuff we already knew but hearing from a first-hand source will make it harder for corporate media to ignore. They'll still try, but this has an opportunity to spread to "normies" through other means.
Then again, it may be wishful thinking on my part. But since I don't believe in hope without action, I figure the best thing we can do is to get the word out to everyone we know whether they're skeptical of the Biden Crime Family or not. In short, it's time to start educating the "normies" ourselves, so here are a couple of resources to help.
Let's start with Miranda Devine's Tweets since she's been on top of the story from the beginning:
Devon Archer’s testimony today is bombshell: • Hunter Biden’s ex BFF testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden brought the most value to “the brand.” Archer also stated that Burisma would have gone under if not for “the brand.”
In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption. Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, “called D.C.” to discuss the matter. Biden, Zlochevsky, and Pozharski stepped away to take make the call.
How Our Culture Disempowers Teens by Kerry McDonald
Teenagers are extraordinarily capable.
Louis Braille invented his language for the blind when he was 15. Mary Shelley, daughter of libertarian feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, wrote Frankenstein when she was 18. As a young teen, Anne Frank documented her life of hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Prize at 17.
The Impact of Low Expectations
These are remarkable people for sure, but teenagers are able to accomplish remarkable things when given freedom and opportunity. Instead, our culture systematically underestimates teenagers, coddling them like toddlers, confining them to ever more schooling, and disconnecting them from the adult world they will soon enter.
Our low expectations of teenagers create a vicious circle. We think teenagers are lazy, unmotivated, and incapable of directing their own lives, so we restrict their freedom and micromanage them. This process leads teenagers to believe that they are, in fact, lazy, unmotivated, and in need of micromanagement. According to Peter Berg, author of The Tao of Teenagers and a teacher who has worked with teenagers for over 25 years, this circle emerges because many of us were treated this way as teenagers. We may have a hard time trusting teens because we ourselves were not trusted. Berg tells me:
The Medlock Post Ep. 170: Patriotism, Freedom, and Truth
The Medlock Post Ep. 170: Patriotism, Freedom, and Truth
Trump and Netanyahu as archenemies of the ‘deep state’ and its politicized justice
About every day we see in the news media something like this:
Trump faces additional charges in Mar-a-Lago documents case
Netanyahu Charges Take Israel into Unchartered Waters
What is going on? Trump and Netanyahu were using the same governing tools as their predecessors – the tools which may look like corruption for those who are not familiar with the inner corruptive works of the government and its politicized judiciary. But they are treated not as their predecessors – they are treated as archenemies of the State.
Why? – Because the politicized judicial actions against Trump and Netanyahu masquerade the true reason behind the hate of Trump and Netanyahu. And the true reason is the ‘Deep State’ sees Trump and Netanyahu as defenders and protectors of Traditional Israel and Traditional America which are the real enemies of the ‘Deep State.’
Are Your Beliefs Rational? Four Tests to Evaluate Your Worldview by Aletheia Hitz
Theologian and philosopher Richard J. Mouw recounts once seeing a car with a Playboy bunny sticker on the rear window and a statue of the Virgin Mary on the front dashboard. He initially assumed that there was a reasonable explanation to the apparent contradiction: a Catholic wife and a brazen spouse, perhaps? Only later did he realize that the dichotomy might not have had a rational explanation. The car’s owner may have neglected, as many do, to critically examine his worldview.
A worldview, as the name implies, is simply the way in which one person views the world. It generally encompasses five main areas: theology (beliefs about God), anthropology (beliefs about man), epistemology (beliefs about acquiring knowledge), metaphysics (beliefs about the nature of reality), and ethics (beliefs about morality).
Everyone has a worldview: We all have beliefs about God, man, knowledge, reality, and morality. However, some worldviews fail to make sense of central aspects of truth. And yet, it’s important to have a worldview that can stand up to scrutiny. From philosopher Ronald H. Nash’s book Life’s Ultimate Questions, here are four tests to verify the validity of a worldview.
I’d Rather Raise Kids with Rich Hearts Than Rich Bank Accounts
As much as I’d love to see my kids succeed in life and live comfortably in their adult years, given the choice between kindness and money, I’ll choose kindness every time. I’d MUCH rather raise kids with rich hearts than rich bank accounts.
I saw this great quote from Danielle Sherman-Lazar of Living Full. It said, “I’d rather my kids be the ones who’re average in school and sports but hold the door open for a teacher with too much in her hands. Comfort a crying classmate. Invite everyone to their table. I want my kids to be the kind kids above anything else. Because that’s how they’ll change the world.
A Time for Greatness, Courage, and Moderation by Daniel J. Mahoney
Our dark hour calls for a recovery of the statesman’s virtues.
The inheritance we defend—that noble civilizational patrimony that helps define the West and America—is not good simply because it is old or because it is ours. But it is wisdom tried and true. As a result, we know that we can never begin anew with some revolutionary “Year Zero.” The destructive zealots and ideologues among the French Revolutionaries did that, displaying deadly contempt for Burke’s more capacious understanding of a primordial contract that connects the living, the dead, and those yet to be born. As a tradition dedicated to human liberty, the Western tradition is dynamic and expansive, yet it has ample room for true pietas. As the French political philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel wrote so eloquently in his 1955 classic, Sovereignty: An Inquiry Into the Political Good: “[E]very individual with a spark of imagination feels deeply indebted to many others, the living and the dead, the known and the unknown…. The wise man knows himself for debtor, and his actions will be inspired by a deep sense of obligation.”
Reason and experience alike testify that men and women become monsters when they confuse themselves with gods beholden to nothing or no one. In our times that conceit has led to utopian dreams and murderous rage, or to petty souls who rest content with what Blaise Pascal vividly called “licking the earth.” Real human freedom and dignity need to be nourished by a deep sense of obligation, starting with our forebears, without whom we would not be or have anything at all. Natural piety, however, is not solely focused on the past: it lifts our gaze further outside ourselves to the mysterious givenness of the natural order. It is open to the grace that lifts our spirits and allows us to experience the presence of the Living God. Only by acknowledging our considerable debts to our forebears, to ennobling tradition, and to the natural and divine sources of our dignity as human beings, are we rendered capable of achieving great and good things in our turn.
Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week
Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week,
10. Suspicious circumstances surround tight-lipped Obama Chef drowning case. 9. Rep. James Comer says President Biden uses offshore bank accounts to hide bribe money. 8. Early reports reveal Pfizer was aware of Myocarditis side effects, yet rushed distribution of their COVID vaccine anyway. 7. Biden's DOJ drops campaign finance charges connecting their second largest donor, Sam Bankman-Fried, to the Democratic party. 6. Mark Zuckerberg's 𝕏 rival, Threads, has seen a massive decline in users; Elon Musk suggests bots were used to inflate initial sign-up numbers. 5. Office for National Statistics report reveals that COVID vaccinated have 91% higher death risk than the unvaccinated. 4. Senators Mitch McConnell (81) and Dianne Feinstein (90) suffer senile episodes on public display, raising concerns on term limits. 3. LeBron James' son Bronny James (18) suffers cardiac arrest and grammy winner Tori Kelly (30) hospitalized with blood clots around heart. 2. Biden White House, FBI, pressured Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to censor Americans. 1. Trump to impose Death Penalty on Human Traffickers when elected. Bonus: The Biden administration has sent more than $100 billion in U.S. weaponry and financial aid to Ukraine in less than a year.Radicals Threaten to Kill, Dismember School Board President for Adopting Parental Rights Policy
A local school board president has been inundated with threats that left-wing activists will dismember her, murder her children, and slaughter her pets. Her crime? Saying that teachers should not keep parents in the dark if their children begin to identify as transgender.
The new Chino Valley (California) Unified School District Board of Education policy states that school officials will notify parents in writing within three days if a child seeks to identify as a gender “other than the student’s biological sex,” use different pronouns, adopt a different name, use the restroom, or join a sports team of the opposite sex. The board adopted the resolution last Thursday, July 20, by a 4-1 vote, with member Donald Bridge casting the lone dissenting vote.
“The next morning, our district got a phone call” from an anonymous caller threatening “to kill me, and they said that they were going to dismember” school board president Sonja Shaw, the official revealed on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” Monday. Police alerted Shaw to the threat shortly before a previous interview on the show, last Friday.
Then Shaw looked at her district email account, where she said she saw messages stating, “You’re going to die,” with a series of profane epithets. “Your children are going to die and your animals are going to die.” For a “point of reference, they would name what kind of animals I had,” Shaw added.
“I also got notification that people who identify as being in the terrorist organization Antifa posted on their website, ‘We declare war on Sonja Shaw,’” Shaw told Perkins, adding that the group posted her address. “They said, ‘We know where you sleep,’” the same message an angry mob screamed outside the home of Tucker Carlson in 2018. “They said things like, ‘Use all force possible to stop her.’”
“I’m not going to lie. I was shaking,” Shaw confided on Monday. Police had beefed up patrols around her home to ensure security, she said.
Burkean Nationalism by Kevin Roberts
The fight isn’t about the Left versus the Right; it’s the Left versus the West.
ational Conservatism was first born in England, and in the Brexit referendum of 2016, it won its greatest victory since the end of the Cold War.
Like the election of Donald Trump in the United States that same year, Brexit lifted the hopes and expanded the horizons of a more nationalist conservatism across the West. Unfortunately, Tories here, like the Republican Party back home, failed to harness that momentum and translate it into a reimagined governing agenda.
The lack of a clear, comprehensive policy program is always a challenge for a political coalition. For right-of-center parties in this era, it is a death wish.
The other side does not have this problem. They have a vision and an agenda and an obsession with imposing it on the world without the votes of legislatures or the consent of the governed.
The New Left—greedy, woke, elitist, and globalist—has foresworn every principle their ideological predecessors once espoused: democracy, equality, diversity, justice. It abjures religion—and Christianity especially—as well as the nation-state, political accountability, and even objective Truth. Their goal is not to win political contests but to end them altogether, to sweep away dissent and any subversive institution that dares facilitate it.
To be a peacemaker is to be a creator, a visionary, and a champion by Eve Witesman
The people of the world are embroiled in dozens of current and ongoing wars. Natural disasters have struck nearly every continent with dramatic destruction, including the recent devastation in Houston, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Tens of millions face starvation in famine or near-famine conditions in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria. We face the threat of both international and homegrown terror attacks. We are divided over protests, racism, and political gridlock. Trust in government is at an all-time low.
Our world seems to be anything but peaceful. In this stark reality, there is great need for peacemakers.
There are two ways to interpret the concept of “making peace.” The first is to avoid conflict; to acquiesce. As in, “I have made peace with the fact that we disagree.” Or “I have made peace with the way things are.” After this manner, peace is maintained by keeping quiet, by biting one’s tongue, by falling in line. By going gently into that good night.
This is not the kind of peace I want to make.
When I make peace, I want to build it. From the ground up if I have to. Like a first responder who runs toward the flames, or a solider who runs toward the good fight, I believe a peacemaker is the sort of person who runs toward conflict and builds peace with her words and her own two hands.
To be a peacemaker is to be a creator, a visionary, a champion.
Peacemaking is not for the faint of heart.
In a war of words and ideas, where political divisions have become chasms, a peacemaker must rappel into the darkness of the abyss and begin to scale the other side. A peacemaker must not only see the far rim of the canyon, but also find toeholds in its sheer face and, conquering understanding, begin the challenging and arduous task of building a bridge across the empty void.
Blessed are those who seek to understand the perspective of others, and who dialogue with civility and generosity.
In a war between people, a peacemaker must dig through the dirt and grime of history and culture to excavate our mutual stories — to reconstruct the lost traces of our shared roots like shards of precious, ancient pottery. A peacemaker reassembles the broken threads of our common humanity.
Blessed are those who see the humanity in the most different of others, and fight to preserve and protect the dignity and worth inherent in that humanness.
In a war between friends or family, peacemakers engineer new hearts — of sturdier and softer stuff than the old, broken ones — and, like surgeons, sew up those old wounds and graft in the new, bionic ability to love. The sight of a broken heart is not for the faint, and mending the arteries through which love flows requires patience and practice.
Blessed are those who forgive the people who have hurt them the most.
And in a war with an enemy who seeks to destroy all that we hold dear, the peacemaker chooses love instead of hatred. The peacemaker perseveres in maintaining a ceasefire in her own heart even as she defends her rights, her freedoms and her family. A peacemaker chooses hope over fear, welcoming the stranger even in the face of terror.
Blessed are those who open their homes and communities to the refugees of war-torn or corrupt nations.
A peacemaker fights the flame of prejudice not by letting it burn, but by quenching it with loving, understanding correction, by stamping out the embers of bias in her own soul and in the institutions in which she has a voice. And where she has no voice, she finds a way to speak.
Blessed are those who acknowledge the persistent and pervasive institutions of racism and work to reverse the injustice.
Where peace is absent due to disaster or famine or disease or injustice, the peacemaker shelters the homeless, clothes the naked, feeds the hungry, heals the sick and defends the victim. This requires time, money and effort.
Blessed are those who donate time and money to improve the lives of others.
A peacemaker does not merely find peace or feel peace or desire peace. A peacemaker makes peace. Creates it, if needed, from raw materials. As apprentices to the Master, we learn to fashion peace out of disorder. “For God," Paul writes to the Corinthians, "is not the author of confusion, but of peace.”
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
Perspective: Contempt culture is metastasizing in America. Blessed are the peacemakers
There’s a contempt problem metastasizing across America.
Arthur Brooks, the respected professor of happiness, said, “We have a cultural addiction to contempt — an addiction abetted by the outrage industrial complex … and it’s tearing us apart.”
In a 2021 Pew report, Michael Dimock and Richard Wike wrote that 8 in 10 registered voters on both sides of the aisle believed differences in America centered around core values, and the escalation of fast-growing polarization has become a top concern for many Americans.
In a milestone address on peacemaking at the most recent worldwide conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson said that “civility and decency seem to have disappeared.” He encouraged attendees to not give up, and to instead “show that there is a peaceful, respectful way to resolve complex issues and an enlightened way to work out disagreements.”
Even though American animosity and polarization may feel resurgent and rampant, there’s a whole field of peacemaking efforts dedicated to this type of work. Many Latter-day Saints have locked arms with other people of conscience to participate in these efforts. Deseret News interviewed a number of Latter-day Saints who have been doing concentrated peacemaking work in recent years.
Becca Kearl, the executive director of Living Room Conversations, thinks listening will help people connect in spite of disagreements around everyday issues and even polarizing political questions.
Perspective: Americans aren’t as divided as they may think
The Constitution wasn’t written overnight. Throughout the course of three months of spirited discussion in Philadelphia in 1787, the Federalists and Anti-Federalists contested philosophies of governance. And even after the Constitution was ratified, several important constitutional amendments ensured additional freedom and rights. This process required compromise and negotiations.
Part of the work of peacemaking involves coming together to create what President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called “inspired solutions.” To do so in the public square, we must weigh political gains and losses in order to achieve a greater good.
In this process, there will always be some deeply held moral and political convictions where compromising on policy may not align with conscience. In those instances, it may be important to shift toward other solutions where compromise feels right.
But seeking inspired solutions through compromise typically means none of the involved parties have every hope or demand met; instead, they assess pragmatically what is most important to their respective causes.
Perspective: Recovering persuasion in an age of argument
In 431 B.C., the Greek historian Thucydides recorded a funeral oration given by the great statesman Pericles. Unlike a typical eulogy, the speech memorialized Athenian democracy in what many have called its golden age.
During this speech, Pericles offered a relatively novel idea about just how expansive participation in public life could be. “If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences,” he said.
But if someone didn’t have social standing, Pericles argued, advancing in public life relies on that person’s “reputation for capacity,” with “class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition.”
In ancient times, the idea that class and poverty didn’t disqualify a person from enjoying certain civic freedoms was a radical belief. Over a thousand years later, a group of New England revolutionaries would begin marking the path to the same sort of ideal, convincing people to join their cause by disseminating their ideas through pamphlets like Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense.”
These open attempts at persuasion are a hallmark of both American and Greek systems. And yet, they sometimes seem at odds with peacemaking approaches centered on listening and understanding.
The Pendulum Swings Back by Tyler Curtis
Recent Supreme Court victories could signal a popular conservative resurgence.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. With recent conservative victories at the Supreme Court, a reaction to the Left’s stranglehold on Amnerica may be emerging.
A couple of weeks ago, the Supreme Court handed down two decisions that have conservatives cheering. Affirmative Action, government-compelled speech, and President Biden’s unilateral student loan forgiveness plan were all struck down as unconstitutional.
Each case is interesting on its own, but perhaps what’s most intriguing about these three decisions is how popular they are with the electorate. In an era when so many institutions— academia, Hollywood, and most of the federal government—are controlled by the Left, the fact that a Supreme Court, composed of mostly Republican-appointees, issued such well-received decisions is astounding and indicates that Americans reject the Left’s more extreme policies.
The country’s reaction to the Court’s decisions is indicative of a slow, but noticeable shift to the Right on several significant political issues.
We know how they feel. Since the summer rulings, Progressives have ramped up their rhetoric, continuing their habit of questioning the legitimacy of the one institution not under their control. President Biden sourly suggested that this court is “not normal.” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, always quick to jump to extremes, declared that the court was “creeping dangerously toward authoritarianism.”
But most Americans don’t see it that way. A poll conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies shortly after the decisions were announced found that far more people supported the rulings than didn’t. For example, regarding 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, where the Court ruled that a Colorado web designer could not be forced to create websites for same-sex weddings, more than twice as many people supported the decision as opposed it.
These results might be surprising for those who have followed politics for the past few years. In 2018, the Court heard a case very similar to 303 Creative. In Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the Court ruled that a Colorado baker could not be forced against his conscience to produce wedding cakes for same-sex couples. At the time, most Americans opposed the decision, and one poll found that up to 66 percent of people disagreed with the Court’s ruling.
But in just five short years, the pendulum has clearly swung in the other direction, with more Americans now saying that business owners should not be forced to engage in speech that the owners find morally objectionable.
Similar survey splits were found for the affirmative action case. In Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, the Court ruled that colleges could not give preferential treatment to student applicants based on their race, as this practice violates the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. An ABC News/Ipsos poll also revealed that a clear majority of Americans (by a 20 percent margin) agreed with the Court’s decision.
None of this means that Americans are becoming more homophobic or racist. In fact, Americans are broadly more tolerant of sexual and racial minorities than at any point in history. Americans don’t disagree with Progressives about the need for anti-discrimination laws, but they do think the Left has gone too far in enforcing them.
The last major case — Department of Education v. Brown — is an instructive example of how Americans support progressive initiatives in theory, but not always in practice. In that case, the Court ruled that the president does not have the authority to forgive federal student loan debt unilaterally.
Student loan forgiveness enjoys broad support amongst voters — until they’re told about the costs. A survey conducted by the Cato Institute found that 64 percent of Americans support student loan forgiveness, but that number “plummets when Americans consider its trade‐offs.” When asked if they’d still support student debt cancellation if it primarily benefited high income people, which it does, a whopping 68 percent of respondents said no.
The Supreme Court exists to interpret the law and enforce the Constitution, not make policy. It isn’t, and shouldn’t be, beholden to public opinion. But it does say something about the country’s political trajectory when the American people largely support the Court when it strikes down the Left’s favorite policies.
Progressives may control most major institutions, but Americans are still fiercely independent. If the Left fails to moderate their positions, they could face a backlash of Newtonian proportions.
DEI and the End of the Constitutional Order by Christopher Rufo
Critical race theory was never designed to reveal truth—it was designed to achieve power.
The ambition of the critical race theorists and their confederates in “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is not simply to achieve cultural hegemony over the bureaucracy, but to use this power to reshape the structures of American society. But in the miasma of mystical reasoning and therapeutic language, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the critical question: What specifically do they want?
The answer is to be found in the original literature of critical race theory which, before its transformation in the euphemisms of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” was remarkably candid about the discipline’s political objectives. They had abandoned the Marxist-Leninist vocabulary of their precursors, such as Angela Davis and the Black Panther Party, but the critical race theorists imagined a revolution that struck just as deeply. They cobbled together a strategy of revolt against the Constitution, using the mechanisms of institutional power to change the words, meanings, and interpretations that provide the foundation of the existing order.
“The Constitution is merely a piece of paper in the face of the monopoly on violence and capital possessed by those who intend to keep things just the way they are,” said legal theorist Mari Matsuda. Tearing it down was not a transgression; it was a moral obligation. When necessary, Matsuda argued, the critical race theorists could appeal to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to advance their interests, but ultimately, they believed, “rights are whatever people in power say they are.” The point was not to uphold the principles of the Constitution, but to wield them as a weapon for securing authority.
In place of the existing interpretation, the critical race theorists proposed a three-part overhaul of the American system of governance: abandoning the “colorblind” notion of equality, redistributing wealth along racial lines, and restricting speech that is deemed “hateful.”
To begin, the critical race theorists made the case that “color-blind constitutionalism” functions as a “racial ideology” that “fosters white racial domination” and advances an implicit form of “cultural genocide.” The system of individual rights and equal protection, they argued, provided an illusion of equality that failed to ad- dress the history of racial injustice. The way stations of “multiculturalism,” “tolerance,” and “diversity” were inadequate substitutions for “legitimate governmental efforts to address white racial privilege.” To rectify this deficiency, the critical race theorists proposed a new interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that moves from a system of negative rights—or, protection against state intrusion—to a system of positive rights, or an entitlement to state action.
The Medlock Post Ep. 169: Ayn Rand Part 2
The Medlock Post Ep. 169: Ayn Rand Part 2
'Atlas Shrugged' author saw that growing influence of 'rotten ideas' would create 'rotten outcomes,' social upheaval.
Many foundational pillars of society in the United States appear to be crumbling right now before our eyes, weakened by an erosive array of social, economic, and political forces.
The deterioration of traditional cultural norms and the social upheaval that’s followed — from the living room to classroom the boardroom — is no surprise to Ayn Rand scholars.