
Proud Ultra MAGA American

September 9, 2022

Proud Ultra MAGA American

Mr. President you said you’re a unifier… Even if 74 million people love Trump, you’re still President to all of us.
Why did you say that MAGA supporters are Semi-Fascists....
By the way, why are you calling me a Semi-Fascist?
1. Because I love America first? (I love my family first then yours...)
2. Because I like good economy? (I don’t like this huge inflation)
3. Because I like energy independence? (I like $1.99/gallon not $5/gallon)
4. Because I like to secure the borders? (even if I’m a legal immigrant)
5. Because I like to rebuild the schools? (I don’t like snowflakes)
6. Because I support the law enforcement? (which is very important in a free society)
7. Because I want America to be respected internationally?
8. Because I like to rebuild America? (we look like a 3rd world country compared to China, Saudi Arabia or UAE)
9. Because I don’t like double standard rules of law? (what’s applied to me should be applied to you too)
10. Because I don’t like outsourcing our jobs? (the big corporations and the banks sold the American people to foreigners for just extra few pennies; they don’t care about us)
11. Because I don’t like socialism? (I really believe if somebody works 10 times more than me, he/she should receive 10 times more money than me and it’s not the government job to take it from that person and give it to me to make us same. The opportunities are same for everybody)
12. Because I don’t like the FBI, Army and DOJ to protect one party? (that is 1 second away from a dictatorial regime)
13. Because I don’t accept abortion? (we can’t let a baby to be born and then the mother and the doctor will decide if the baby should live or die)
14. Because I’m for traditional family value?
15. Because I’m against criminalizing political dissidents?
16. Because I’m against mainstream media and social media? (they’re supposed to fight for freedom of speech not to be a tool of the Democratic party and dictate us what and how to do)
If all these things make you believe I’m a semi-fascist, then BE IT!... then I’m a Fascist!
Mr. President, thank you for calling me a Fascist ...and I’m proud to be one of the 74 million Semi-Fascists who love America and Freedom!!!


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