Totalitarianism is a form of Communism, period. Anytime freedoms and liberties are taken away, it is due to Communism. The use of Fear, Chaos, Division, and Hatred are the core operations by which control is gained. By using the above strategies to gain total control, Totalitarians lose all Credibility.
To start with, Freedom of Speech is now being control by the State through Big Tech and the Media. Opposing views by Conservatives and concerned American Patriots are being shut down and censored. When citizens oppose Critical Race Theory and Racial Equity, based on Marxism, they are called Racists. When citizens oppose Transgenderism, they are called Sexists or Homophobic. When citizens oppose unconstitutional acts by the government, they are called Domestic Terrorists. Totalitarianism cannot face the truth and facts that take away any credibility.
Freedom of Religion is being attacked by use of lockdowns and discrimination. Prayer was taken out of the schools in the 1960's. The Ten Commandments are being taken down on public properties because of the faux "Separation of Church and State" premise. Totalitarian judges are ruling against high school coaches who have prayer with the team before a game.
Faux science is replacing God. Natural Laws are being turned upside down. A boy can become a girl. A girl can become a boy. Just by saying so. Now the American Medical Association is recommending that "sex" be taken off of birth certificates. Thereby ignoring true science and being part of the Totalitarian Regime.
Link: Meet the CDC-Backed Groups that want to teach Trans Ideology to Kindergartners
The Centers for Disease Control is another agency that has surrendered to faux science. The need to go into the COVID-19 story, pandemic, masks and lockdowns is not necessary since the story is well know. Now the CDC losing more credibility? They are talking about this new so called "Delta Variant". The CDC admits there is no test for it. Most of those who are getting COVID now are fully vaccinated. See the CDC website for numbers. They are recommending masking again. But where they lose credibility is NOT calling for closing the Southern U.S. Border where hundreds of thousands of illegals with COVID are coming into America. And why aren't they calling for Obama to shut down his birthday party of 700 guest? Where is the credibility in those actions?
The Second Amendment is under complete attack. Totalitarians take away the guns of the "little people". When citizens are without guns, Totalitarians then have complete control of the State and the people.
These are just a few examples of how America is being turned into a Totalitarian State. Fear, Chaos, Division, and Hatred are on full display in order to accomplish the goal of total dominance of the America People and Economy.
“Patriotism,” said Theodore Roosevelt, “means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. …
“Every man,” said President Roosevelt, “who parrots the cry of ‘stand by the President’ without adding the proviso ‘so far as he serves the Republic’ takes an attitude as essentially unmanly as that of any Stuart royalist who championed the doctrine that the King could do no wrong. No self-respecting and intelligent free man could take such an attitude.” (Theodore Roosevelt, Works, vol. 21, pp. 316, 321.)
WE THE PEOPLE need to heed the warnings of Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt in these trying and challenging times. Stand Up for the Constitution. Let's hold all our public servants to the Constitution, federal and local. Stand Up against Totalitarianism and its evils. Speak Up against the Unconstitutional actions that is trying to limit our voices and freedoms.
Adding link to this article: Tyranny Has Returned to the U.S., This Time By Proxy
Another article just came up: Cabinet Secretaries can waive cost-sharing for select infrastructure projects.