
Totalitarian Credibility or Lack Thereof


by Richard Medlock

Thomas Jefferson: “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

Totalitarianism is a concept for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life.  This system of government is both thoroughly dictatorial and utopian.  Under a Totalitarian Regime, all citizens are subject to the absolute authority of the state.  This control extends to all political and financial matters as well as the attitudes, morals, and beliefs of the people.  This form of centralized government grant neither recognition nor tolerance to parties of different opinions.

Totalitarianism is a form of Communism, period.  Anytime freedoms and liberties are taken away, it is due to Communism.  The use of Fear, Chaos, Division, and Hatred are the core operations by which control is gained.  By using the above strategies to gain total control, Totalitarians lose all Credibility.

To start with, Freedom of Speech is now being control by the State through Big Tech and the Media.  Opposing views by Conservatives and concerned American Patriots are being shut down and censored.  When citizens oppose Critical Race Theory and Racial Equity, based on Marxism, they are called Racists.  When citizens oppose Transgenderism, they are called Sexists or Homophobic.  When citizens oppose unconstitutional acts by the government, they are called Domestic Terrorists. Totalitarianism cannot face the truth and facts that take away any credibility.

Freedom of Religion is being attacked by use of lockdowns and discrimination.  Prayer was taken out of the schools in the 1960's.  The Ten Commandments are being taken down on public properties because of the faux "Separation of Church and State" premise.  Totalitarian judges are ruling against high school coaches who have prayer with the team before a game.

Faux science is replacing God.  Natural Laws are being turned upside down.  A boy can become a girl.  A girl can become a boy.  Just by saying so.  Now the American Medical Association is recommending that "sex" be taken off of birth certificates.  Thereby ignoring true science and being part of the Totalitarian Regime.

Link: Meet the CDC-Backed Groups that want to teach Trans Ideology to Kindergartners

The Centers for Disease Control is another agency that has surrendered to faux science.  The need to go into the COVID-19 story, pandemic, masks and lockdowns is not necessary since the story is well know.  Now the CDC losing more credibility?  They are talking about this new so called "Delta Variant".  The CDC admits there is no test for it.  Most of those who are getting COVID now are fully vaccinated.  See the CDC website for numbers.  They are recommending masking again.  But where they lose credibility is NOT calling for closing the Southern U.S. Border where hundreds of thousands of illegals with COVID are coming into America.  And why aren't they calling for Obama to shut down his birthday party of 700 guest?  Where is the credibility in those actions?

The Second Amendment is under complete attack.  Totalitarians take away the guns of the "little people".  When citizens are without guns, Totalitarians then have complete control of the State and the people.

These are just a few examples of how America is being turned into a Totalitarian State.   Fear, Chaos, Division, and Hatred are on full display in order to accomplish the goal of total dominance of the America People and Economy.

“Patriotism,” said Theodore Roosevelt, “means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. …

“Every man,” said President Roosevelt, “who parrots the cry of ‘stand by the President’ without adding the proviso ‘so far as he serves the Republic’ takes an attitude as essentially unmanly as that of any Stuart royalist who championed the doctrine that the King could do no wrong. No self-respecting and intelligent free man could take such an attitude.” (Theodore Roosevelt, Works, vol. 21, pp. 316, 321.)

WE THE PEOPLE need to heed the warnings of Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt in these trying and challenging times.  Stand Up for the Constitution.  Let's hold all our public servants to the Constitution, federal and local.  Stand Up against Totalitarianism and its evils.  Speak Up against the Unconstitutional actions that is trying to limit our voices and freedoms.  


Adding link to this article: Tyranny Has Returned to the U.S., This Time By Proxy

Another article just came up: Cabinet Secretaries can waive cost-sharing for select infrastructure projects.


What Is The New Definition Of A Conspiracy Theorists?


by Richard Medlock

President Roosevelt once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

Have you had a child come home from school with a "hidden picture" picture?  Or been reading a magazine with a 'hidden picture" picture?  It could be a beautiful landscape with a "hidden picture" of a boy sitting on a wagon being pulled by a horse.  The "hidden picture" is very hard to find and sometimes you might cheat by going to the back of the magazine to find the answer. or not find it at all.  But once it is found, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

We can believe in today's political climate, that politicians and the media are picture painters who artfully create landscapes for us which deliberately deceive and hide the "hidden picture" or the Truth.  What are their true underlying goals that they will not tell us?  What is that "hidden political picture" they do not want us to see?  Why do we listen to Presidents and politicians make bold promises to fix problems and stop Communism in America and even around the Globe?  They make the promises, but nothing has really changed for generations of Americans.

Is this just an accident?  Are there forces we cannot see that are making the "promises" not happen?  Or, is there a Group of Conspirators controlling the outcome of most political and economic events?

Some refer to them as "Globalists".  Sometimes referred to as "Insiders".  Some call them "Secret Combinations".  And that brings us to what is called the "Conspiracy Theory of History".  No matter what they are called, are they real?  Are people willing to admit they exist?

Let's go back to the "hidden picture".  Politicians and the media do a wonderful job of giving us. the layman. the wonderful landscape.  But never go near the "hidden picture" or "hidden agenda".  Can you think of an example of such a "hidden agenda"?

Let's try this example.  Have you ever heard of the "Government Administrative State"?  Sure you have.  This is where federal government agencies take it upon themselves to make rule and regulations without a law passed by duly elected officials.  Then force these new rules and regulations on the tax paying public.  How did this come about?

This started under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who was the first full Progressive to be President.  After World War I, President Wilson tried to develop a "One World Government".  He settled for the League of Nations which eventually became the United Nations.  And it slowly escalated through the years.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt took it to a higher level with the "Greet New Deal" or the Welfare Program.

Then comes President Obama with the "Affordable Care Act".  Notice how the name of the new programs sound wonderful, but in essence turn out to be just the opposite.  In the very vague wording of a 1,000 plus page document, there is one line that stands out for the conspiracy believers.  The Secretary of Health and Human Resources has the authority to make new rules and regulations and change any existing rules and regulations without legislative approval.  Boom.  The Administrative State was just given power to do whatever it deems necessary to control your life.

This practice of putting this line into bills has become a widespread practice on Capitol hill.  The legislators have basically given away their rights.  Then when things go bad, they blame the agency in charge.

On May 20, 2021, President Biden signed and Executive Order requiring several federal agencies to provide plans for them to basically take more power and freedom away for you as an individual and power from the individual States.

And there are many more examples of these well planned events to show they are not just happening , but well planned.  Are you willing to look for the "hidden picture"?  You should be.

Father Pedro Arrupe made these remarks. "This...Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership.  It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic.  It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy.  It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television."  This was in 1965.  And that society is more powerful today because it controls governments.

Many people are afraid to admit of such a conspiracy that is right before our eyes.  They are afraid of the ridicule.  Or in today's world it is called "Unmasking".  In this manner they are threatened with loss of "social respectability" if they dare broach the idea that there is an organization behind any of the problems currently wracking America. Unfortunately, for many people social status and wealth comes before intellectual honesty. Although they would never admit it, social position and wealth is more important to many people than is the survival of freedom in America.  Even the threat of their children and grandchildren growing up without Freedom.

The New Conspiracy Theorist questions everything the government tells us.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions what the Main Stream Media propaganda is spewing out on a daily basis.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions what is being taught in the public school systems.  The New Conspiracy Theorist questions the "Social Justice" and "Racial Equity" movements which are based from Marxism.

The New Conspiracy Theorists are full Patriotic Americans who will not hesitate to "Stand Up and Speak Up" for the Judeo/Christian Morals, Values, and Principles found in the United States Constitution.  The New Conspiracy Theorists are mad at the government's current policies that are destroying the American way of life.  The New Conspiracy Theorists are growing in numbers.  The Sleeping Giants have been awakened.


America, Is It Ascending or Descending? Five Statements to Consider.

 "Life begins at the Edge of your Comfort Zone”

As the Great American Experiment was being developed and the Constitution was being finalized, Benjamin Franklin observed that it will be a rising sun, a success.

From “The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787”. Page 339

“The Constitution which Franklin and his Friends gave to us resulted in the greatest nation in history.  With the adoption of our Constitution our nation became a nation based on law, the Constitution being the Supreme law of the land.”  This Rising Sun became a beacon of freedom and liberty to the rest of the world.

What would Benjamin Franklin say today concerning the Republic, is it ascending or descending?  Why?  Here are five statements to consider in finding reasons for the answers.         

    1. We have not followed the admonition of our Founding Fathers.

An old adage tells us, “A people must from time to time, refresh themselves at the wellspring of their origin, lest they perish.”

Ayn Rand told us “I want you to look at the birth of a miracle, the United States of America.  If it is ever proper for men to kneel, we should kneel when we read the Declaration of Independence.”

    2. We have not assigned the maintaining of our Freedoms a high priority.

From the Massachusetts Bill of Rights, 1780.  “A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the constitution, and a constant adherence to those of piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality are absolutely necessary to preserve the advantage of liberty and maintain a free government.”

Peter Marshall said “May we think of freedom, not to do as we please, but as an opportunity to do what is right.”

Ezra Taft Benson, “I thank the Lord for the eternal principle of FREEDOM…

I cherish patriotism and love of country in all lands.”

     3. We have allowed the mortal enemies of freedom to dominate the debate.

George Washington letter to Lafayette, 1788.  “Though, when a people shall have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes.”

Thomas Jefferson letter to Charles Yancey, 1826.  If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Patrick Henry “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or Give me Death!

    4. We have elected some of the most undesirable persons to high office.

The Federalist, No. 28, Alexander Hamilton.  “Effective resistance to usurpers is possible only provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them.”

Today we have become a nation of “rule by man”.  It has been said that many political leaders think they know more than God.

Harold B. Lee, “Men may fail in this country…there may be great drought, disasters, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail…This is a favored land in all the world…this nation won’t fail. I have faith in America; you and I must have faith in America… We are living in a day when we must pay heed to these challenges.

    5. We have evicted "Providence" from our counsels, schools, courts, and assemblies.

John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State, Oration celebrating July 4th, 1821.

“From the day of the Declaration … the American people were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the gospel, which they nearly all acknowledged as the rules of their conduct.”

Sir William Blackstone (Eminent English Jurist)

"Man ... must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator… This will of his Maker is called the law of nature.... This law of nature...is of course superior to any other.... No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force...from this original." - Sir William Blackstone (Eminent English Jurist)

In closing, let's read from the 2nd and 3rd verses of “America the Beautiful”

2. Oh, beautiful for pilgrims feet, 

   Whose stern, impassioned stress

   A thoroughfare of freedom beat Across the wilderness

   America! America! God mend thy every flaw,

   Confirm they soul in self-control, They liberty in law.

3. “Oh, beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,

     Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life!

     America! America! May God thy gold refine,

     Till all success be nobleness, And every gain devine.”

Until next time, “May God Bless America”


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail

 From The Epoch Times

“We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood.” 


That was from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” The letter was written while King was detained in solitary confinement for taking part in the Birmingham Campaign against racial segregation. 


After reading an article published in a local newspaper about religious leaders condemning his nonviolent demonstrations, King began to put together his response to them, which led to this famous letter. 


At first he wrote in the margins of the newspaper he was given; he later moved on to using scraps of paper, and then finally a legal pad provided by his lawyers. After his letter was compiled and typed out by his associates, it was 21 pages of double-spaced type long. 


“I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk, but what else can one do when he is alone in a narrow jail cell, other than write long letters, think long thoughts and pray long prayers?” writes King. 


The words that came out of that narrow jail cell were not ones of sorrow. They were filled with a rational hope that drew upon the wisdom of many before him. They were filled with a quiet optimism built upon his steadfast faith in God and the founding principles of our nation.


“I have no despair about the future,” he writes near the end of his letter. “I have no fear about the outcome of our struggle in Birmingham, even if our motives are at present misunderstood. We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom.” 


King was arrested 29 times during his fight for civil rights. 


But despite this, his rational hope and quiet optimism would produce widespread change. One year after he wrote that letter, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act that outlawed racial segregation, and a year after that, it passed the Voting Rights Act that bolstered African Americans’ right to vote. 


When accepting his Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, King’s speech left us with one of his most iconic lines: 

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”


These words—of goodness, hope, faith, and resilience in the face of injustice—serve as a reminder that, when we call upon our higher nature, it can guide us through the darkest of times.


The 15 best quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech


In honor of that historic moment and in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we present the 15 best quotes from that speech.

  1. “I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.”
  2. “I have a dream that one day right there in Alabama little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”
  3. “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.”
  4. “We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
  5. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
  6. “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed — we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
  7. “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.”
  8. “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.”
  9. “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”
  10. “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.”
  11. “We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back.”
  12. “Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.”
  13. “We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.”
  14. “In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.”
  15. “When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: “Free at last! Free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 28 August 1963


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his life for a dream that I have been raised in for the past 52 years of my life.
His dream is but an echo today.
We only keep that echo alive by living that dream to it's fullest intent.
We only keep that echo alive by repeating his dream.
"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidence by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny.
They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. And as we walk we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead, We cannot turn back.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 28 August 1963"
We are not born with hatred.
Our children are not born with hatred.
Hatred is learned behavior.
Let us be the generation that breaks the cycle once and for all. Let us teach tolerance and Love. Let us be a society that Dr. King would be proud of. Let us not turn back to the days of old. Shed the weight of discontent and truly turn to each other as literal brothers and sisters under God our Eternal Father.
Dr. King's dream resonates with me not just today, but every day of my life.
I would not have my life of freedom if it were not for Dr. King's dream.
"We MUST come to realize that our freedom is forever bound to each other. We MUST not walk alone and as we walk we MUST make the pledge that we will always march ahead and NEVER turn back.
Christopher J. Allen,
16 January 2021. "


A PRAYER FOR AMERICA Carroll Padgett, Retired Judge, SC


(PREAMBLE:  Judge Carroll Padgett speaking to Tom Herron on the Up With America Radio talk program on January 16, 2021):

“I think that's what’s wrong with America today, that led up to January 6th,

is that in the ‘60’s (and I’m a product of the 60’s, I was born in the late 40’s),

and we took God and Prayer out of our schools,

and it’s been a slippery slope

to all the way down to where we find ourselves now.”

“Let’s go to the Lord in prayer . . .


“Our dear gracious Heavenly Father,

we come to You today on our hands and knees begging for forgiveness for the multiple sins that we have committed against You and against Your nation. 

“Lord, this nation was founded upon your principles. 

Lord. this is the only nation in the world that was founded on Christian principles by brilliant founding fathers.  We have gotten so far away from them. 

Lord, forgive us.  Bring us back, Lord.

“What we do know, and always know, is that you’re in charge.

Lord, as we face and prepare for an uncertain future, we ask Your full blessings upon this great Nation and upon us individually, and upon our Leaders. 

Lord, we don’t know what to expect, but we pray that You will overcome them, and bring your spirit upon them, to lead us in our great country to the place that You would have us be. 

“Lord, if You don’t think that You’re maybe disciplining us for our past sins, we must remember that You, for Four-Hundred years, You put your own people in exile. 

“So a little discipline here and there, in our country, should be welcome.  We need to look at that light at the end of the tunnel.

Lord, be with us.  Lord, we cry out to You with hearts that need Your blessings and reassurance that You are in control.  Give us, and our leaders, wisdom to make the right decisions based on Your absolute principles and teachings.

Lord, we pray that You will purify all of our hearts.  Let the words that we speak draw us closer to You, and our leaders.  We recognize, oh Lord, that You are in control of all things. 

Help us.  Help our nation, Lord, to hear Your voice, to protect us from the evil;and lead us into the paths of Biblical righteousness. 

For Your holy namesake, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 


Recoding of Up With America Radio Hour Jan. 16, 2021: https://youtu.be/v6Q6lhfk-ls  

Transcription was done by Jack Owen.




 Undivided by Taylor Campbell

We live in a nation where it’s been decided
We are divided.
And unlike popular belief it isn’t just one sided.
I find, We stand the opposite of a line. Amongst those like in mind, so blind to the rest of human kind.
Instead of coming together to reconcíliate, we retaliate, and debate with hate. It’s disgusting the way that we discuss things.
We live in a nation where we believe only what we can see.
And have the ignorant convenience to see only what we believe.
We are “fed” from our own “feed” manipulated by those of greed.
Groomed to consume.
And if we don’t agree we get angry,
“I don’t believe the same as you, so its not true, we don’t have the same world view or value. Oh you like him, now I hate you. I’ll dislike and unfollow too”.
We live in a nation where we know what civil unrest is, we’re being tested, we need to get invested in what the best is to correct this.
We live in a nation where we take the actions of a select few and apply it to the masses. Now we’re all fascists..
But why do we act so classless?
We’re afraid of a future that’s unclear, the next 4 years, of losing everything we hold dear, of our peers, of whatever the hell is happening here.
We’re afraid of the aristocracy, the hypocrisy, that they are coming for our democracy, of everyone that has a different thought than me, that they are accosting me but it’s not lost on me, this atrocity, if we continue this way we will never be free.
I’m frustrated we’re so easily manipulated because if we’re afraid they are more easily obeyed.
We live in a nation where our greatest freedom is agency. So don’t for one second or an hour give up your power. Rise above, choose love. Diversify your thinking, give an ear when another is speaking, take time to learn from what they’re teaching. Don’t get over excited, incited, to riot. Walk a mile in their shoes, chose to mend where another would bruise.
It’s the fear we must forsake. We claim to be woke so act awake, make no mistake if we don’t bend now we will all break.


Truth Is The Enemy To The Left

Naheem Kassam of The National Pulse put together the Police Department Timeline of the attack on the Capitol January 6th. This was Reported on The Greg Kelly Show on Newsmax.

The Federalist now have witnesses that have come forward to tell of antagonist that were taunting The Save America Marchers.

Now CNN is reporting this timeline and saying that the attack had nothing to do with Pres. Trump's speech and the Save America March.

The FBI reported earlier today that the attack was planned days before January 6th.

The Washington Post is reporting that Dozens of people on the FBI terrorist watch list came to D.C. the day of the Capitol riot.

Yet, Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats in the house, and ten traitorous Republicans still Impeached Pres. Trump for something he did not do. Total political move to destroy Pres. Trump. NOTHING to do with Truth.

This is how Marxism, Fascism, Communism, and Totalitarianism operates. Truth is their enemy.

The Republican Establishment Has Failed America

The Republican Establishment has failed America and the American Way of Life.

We need to look beyond the ten so called Republicans who expressed their disdain toward Pres. Trump. There are many more within the ranks that did not vote No for Impeachment because they knew it would pass with the Democrat majority. The Establishment Republicans go deep and wide. Have no doubt. I have tried to warn America for many, many years, that the Republican Party (GOP) has a seat at the big table and will do what it takes to hold those seats.

Remember, the Republicans under George w. Bush, and the help of John McCain and Lindsey Graham, introduced a bill to give all illegals amnesty? Lindsey Graham was the Republican that headed up the Gang of 8 in the Senate to make a deal to throw good judges under the bus that had been nominated by Pres. Bush. Enough of that. Let me ask this, what did the Republicans do to stop Obama? Nothing. They gave him what he wanted.

RINO Speaker of the House Paul Ryan refused many requests from Pres. Trump to pass a National Voter ID Law when the Republicans had the majority in the House.

Then Donald Trump comes along and says he will stop Globalist from taking over America. That was a Declaration of War to the Democrats, The Deep State, the Globalists, and the Republican Establishment. Today, we see the results of that war on Pres. Trump and the American people. And it is not pretty. But we must remain vigilant to the "Rule of Law" and the US Constitution.

Richard Medlock


How Empty Is Theory In The Presence Fact - Mark Twain

There are many news stories out about how things can turn on the Liberals and Trump can still be President. But we need to be very careful with these stories and news articles.
Even if Trump stays in the White House there are some things that will not be working in his favor.

First, he can still be politically impeached and sent packing.

Second, there are enough Republicans in the Senate that have turned against him, that trying to get anything accomplished will be very difficult.

Third, trying to put together a functional administration right now would be a great challenge. I know this sounds negative, but I'm also trying to be realistic of the current situation.

Let's just relax and see what happens up to January 20th.

The Attempt To Silence Americans

 Amazon, Apple, and Google have completely shut down Parler. Parler is a competitor. This becomes an Anti-Trust violation and could possibly fall under the Racketeering Act. But who is going to prosecute?

We are seeing right before our eyes Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism being used against us in America. And who are doing these despicable acts? The Democrats and their allies in the media and major corporations. And many Republicans have joined in because they want a seat at the table of power and greed.

We have been warned over and over since the 60's and 70's against this time. Donald Trump tried to fight against it and stop it from happening. That's why they want to not only get rid of him, but also to destroy him.
Washington, DC is lost to America. The government there has been corrupted beyond repair for a long time.


This is not the time to cower, but to Stand Up and Speak Up for the Principles and Values in the United States Constitution.



America: How Do "We The People" Move Forward?

 America: How Do "We The People" Move Forward?

                                              by Richard G. Medlock

My opening statement on Up With America Radio Program January 9, 2021

I am Richard Medlock and I am an American.  My allegiances lie in the following order: God; Family; Country.  I am a Constitutional Conservative.  I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.  I stand when the Star Bangled Banner is played.  I fly the flag every day at my home.  I love America and all that its citizens have achieved since the founding of this Great Land.  This is a land of opportunity if one is willing to take advantage of that gift.  Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

My family’s thoughts and prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones because of the appalling events that happened at our Nation’s Capital on January 6th.  We are extremely concerned about the possible repercussions that can arise from those events.  It is very obvious that both political parties are equally responsible and both political parties are equally to blame.  Prayers for our Nation are greatly needed at this time in our history.  This Great Nation was founded on prayers and through prayer has been preserved.

For many, many years I have spoken out against Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, and Globalism.  They have proven to only bring hardship, misery, and even death to many people under its power and its curse.  I will continue to speak out against these Tyrannies.  These “isms” thrive on five things.  Chaos, Division, Fear, Hatred, and War. We must avoid them at all costs.  Countries and Cultures sometimes fall too easily into one or more of those five items.  I am sorry to say that the United States of America has slipped under the spell of these Tyrannies in some form or fashion.  We need to combat these ills that have entered our beautiful land.

I believe that way too many elected public servants have fallen under the beguiling spell that these Tyrannies offer.  It goes to the old saying, “Absolute Power Corrupts”.  Some in government have become a power unto themselves and have put themselves above the law.  This needs to stop. The “Rule of Law” must be followed. We The People are the Power.  We The People formed a more perfect union.  Not government.  We The People give them what authority or power they need.  And We The People can peaceably remove that authority to act on our behalf.  Constitutional bounds have been breached by many, way too many, elected and non-elected public servants.  We The People are the Solution.

I am not concerned with other’s feelings they have for President Donald Trump.  I marvel at what he accomplished for America in the past four years against great odds.  What I am concerned about is how so many can take their dislike, disdain, or even hatred toward one man, President Trump, and put those feelings above the good of America.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

We The People have come to a crossroads in America.  There is a proper way to move forward that can bring peace and unity to our Great Nation.  The Founding Fathers gave us the guide we need to move forward.  The best, in fact the only way, is to honor and live by the Principles and Values set forth in the United States Constitution.  To respect each other no matter their beliefs or opinions.  As Stephen Covey, Author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” counseled, “Understand before being Understood”.  Listen to one another to learn about each other.  Listen to learn from each other.  Reach out with a helping hand to those in need without judging.

As Americans we are very capable of moving forward in this manner.  That is the Great Challenge before us today.  The “Rule of Law” must be followed.  It will take time, effort, patience, patriotism, family, and much prayer and faith in God to achieve the goals of putting the Principles and Values of the Constitution again at front and center in our Nation and in our Culture.  I have full faith in you, the American Citizens, in finding ways to move forward in a peaceful manner that will bring benefits and blessings to all who live within our borders. 

Again, We The People are the Solution.

Finally, from J.R. Knost

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. 

And all things can be mended.

Not with time, as they say, but with intention.

So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.

The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is yours.”

May God Continue to Bless this Great Land, America!

Listen to the complete show: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlmuvwtzacdydd9/01-09-21.mp3?dl=0


For America In A Time of National Crisis

 For America In A Time Of National Crisis 

                                      by Thomas K. Herron

Dear Father, there is much happening with our nation at the moment as we are facing a time of crises. The nation seems to be teetering on the edge of destruction and our government seems to have little ability or will to reverse what is coming upon our land and its citizens. Lord, there is increasing unrest and we ask that You guide our nation through this difficult period.
Lord, we pray for all in authority over our land and ask that You would lead and guide the decisions they are to make in this time of crises. We ask that those in leadership positions would be given the wisdom and ability to address all that is looming on the home-front at this present time. Give them grace to govern according to Your will, and may they not be motivated by self-interest, greed or party politics, but rather may they be led to guide our nation onto the path of peace and safety that only comes from You.
Protect all those that are in any way at risk or are suffering from lack or from fear of what is happening in this time of national crises. May we as a people unite together under Your banner of truth, to support and encourage each other, as we face this national crises together, as one nation under God.
  • Prayers for America (from Knowing Jesus}
