
Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Volunteer Jam XIII


  The American Heroes Channel (AHC) is showing a series that follows Adolph Hitler; showing how he got
hitler4started, how he gained power, what he did to seize absolute control, how he terrorized millions, and how he was eventually defeated in a world war. When I see this series, having watched Barak Obama for 7 years, I see parallels that do not bode well for the future of the United States of America. Hitler was elected as a result of the 1929 global economic collapse and used propaganda and murder to seize absolute control over Germany. Hitler made promises he never intended to keep, such as more “rights” for women and minorities and prosperity for all Aryans. Once he was named vice-chancellor under Hindenburg, Hitler began to kill off any of his supporters he saw as potential future rivals. When Hindenburg died, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by his minions in the German Parliament. Once in the top position, there was nothing to stop Hitler as anyone who opposed him was quickly arrested and either hanged or shot.

Ernst Rohm was the head of the SA, Hitler’s original thugs, but became too vocal and had to be eliminated. In an event named “The Night of the Long Knives”, Hitler’s SS, the new terror organization labeled as an “internal security force”, set upon the SA leadership.   Hitler used Rohm’s open homosexuality and fakeernst rohmcorruption charges to surprise and arrest them, and soon executed Rohm and all of the SA leadership, a move that showed no dissent would be tolerated by Hitler and his henchmen. Once Hitler had gained absolute control he began his persecution of the Jews and the conquest of Europe. Schools became nothing more that Nazi indoctrination camps, just like our schools today with common core and political correctness being the only things taught. American students used to be the tops in the world in math, science, reading, and logical thinking, the core subjects of learning.  Read more

ALERT: Russia Considering NUCLEAR Strike On ISIS – Kremlin Awaiting Consent From Allies


Although Russia’s poising to use its nuclear weapons on ISIS, Russia held a secret meeting with NATO, reassuring them that Russia has no intentions on using nuclear weapons on either Georgia or the Ukraine, citing that attacking either of them would invoke a nuclear strike from NATO. Also Russia had consulted with the Syrian government as well as the governments of its allies in the region, who in turned told the Kurds and other allied militias of a possible nuclear strike, warning them to move allied civilians from areas that might be struck by Russia’s nuclear weapons.   Read more

Ted Koppel points to LDS Church's preparedness in book 'Lights Out'

The chance of a cyberattack on America’s power grids is high and the nation is ill-prepared to face the catastrophic consequences, writes Ted Koppel in his recently released book, “Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath” (Crown Publishing, $26, 288 pages).
Koppel, the longtime anchor for “Nightline,” begins “Lights Out” by posing a hypothetical situation where such a cyberattack has occurred, leaving parts of America in a state of complete darkness with rapidly depleting resources. Koppel later asserts in his book that Mormons are one of the most prepared groups to face such a grim scenario. He devotes three chapters to the LDS Church and its level of organization, which he calls “extraordinary.”   Read more



Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s embassy in Tripoli, Libya, warned State Department officials in Washington, D.C., not to blame the Youtube video, Innocence of Muslims, for the Benghazi terrorist attack.

The House Benghazi Committee released a new email Saturday that a Tripoli embassy official sent to Clinton’s underlings in Washington, D.C., on September 14, 2012, two days before Susan Rice appeared on Sunday talk shows to use the administration’s “video” talking point.
“Colleagues, I mentioned to [redacted] this morning, and want to share with all of you, our view at Embassy Tripoli that we must be cautious in our local messaging with regard to the inflammatory film trailer, adapting it to Libyan conditions,” the official wrote.  Read more

The Piano Guys Release Fight Song/Amazing Grace Mashup | LDS Daily

The Piano Guys Release Fight Song/Amazing Grace Mashup | LDS Daily

Economic and Political Power

Glen Campbell Jerry Reed Steve Hardin Mule Skinner Blues

Ted Cruz’s historic grand slam speech against the Washington Cartel


This is our real-life, current-day Mr. Smith Goes to Washington moment.
All Americans, especially those who follow politics lightly or not at all, should HEAR THIS SPEECH. 
Granted, most Democrats are already a lost cause. They cannot be dissuaded; they can only be defeated.
And the same is true for GOP Establishment (GOPe) insiders and hangers-on who live off the system that they’ve created and only pretend to oppose.
But for the rest of us, this is the speech to hear and understand — the whole thing.  This is Senator Ted Cruz, speaking from the floor of the Senate, Oct 29, 2015, in what is arguably the most important speech in decades.  Read more

Once it gets started...

Parents call superintendent a liar amid ‘God is myth’ lesson scandal

A day after officials in the Katy Independent School District accused a student of lying about a classroom assignment about God, several other students are coming forward to confirm her story.
West Memorial Junior High student Jordan Wooley, 12,testified before the school board Monday about a class assignment in which her reading teacher asked students to classify specific statements at fact, opinion or commonplace assertion – which the teacher characterized as a myth.
When Wooley and numerous other students answered fact to the statement “There is a God,” the teacher told them they’re wrong, God is a myth, Wooley said.  Read more

Senate approves budget deal and here’s how they voted

Ted Cruz last night called this budget deal a corrupt betrayal of the people as he spoke over an hour and a half.

The vote was mostly Democrats voting to pass it but a fair number of Republicans voted for it as well. Here’s how they voted:  See list

Academia’s Rejection of Diversity

ONE of the great intellectual and moral epiphanies of our time is the realization that human diversity is a blessing. It has become conventional wisdom that being around those unlike ourselves makes us better people — and more productive to boot.

Scholarly studies have piled up showing that race and gender diversity in the workplace can increase creative thinking and improve performance. Meanwhile, excessive homogeneity can lead to stagnation and poor problem-solving.  Read more


As the U.S. Department of State continues to release thousands of pages of former secretary Hillary Clinton’s private server emails, the White House wants some electronic communications between she and President Barack Obama to remain private.
The State Department on Friday released 7,000 additional pages of Clinton’s emails that were kept on a non-government email server while she was the department chief — its sixth and largest mass email release so far this year.
More than half of Clinton’s private server emails have now been released, in accordance with a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act.  Read more


Google plans to kill Chrome OS, fold it into Android

File photo - This Tuesday, March 10, 2015 photo shows the Google Chromebook Pixel laptop, in San Jose, Calif.

ChromeOS has been a success in many respects. While not universally loved, and still limited compared to Windows or OS X, the simple operating system has a small, loyal following, and laptops based off it often appear on Amazon's top-selling list.
Yet that's not enough to earn it a stay of execution, as The Wall Street Journalreports that insiders say Chrome OS will soon be given the axe. It apparently will be folded into Android next year, and Chromebooks will no longer be sold as of 2017.
Google's decision to get rid of its desktop operating system is apparently linked to a planned revision of Android that will help it span multiple categories of devices, including 2-in-1s. This interest isn't a huge surprise given the recent announcement of the Pixel C, an Android powered tablet with an optional keyboard cover.  Read more